Chapter nine: More is better.

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I take a deep breath and tell them everything. At first it looks like Asher wants to set our back yard on fire. After about five minutes he smiles and seems calm. (Asher): So how many will we be in total? (Carlyn): We need to be a group of 20. Then split into three groups but unevenly of course. Bruce I need you to call Donovan. Juju call Cevin. Luke call Tyron and Jaz call Jessica. We will meet here again soon. Goodnight guys We greet everyone as they go home. It sounds great to start small and do some research. This mission takes a lot more precision than the previous missions. After greeting everyone, I do a spell to clean and reorganize the entire house. I am too tired to do it without magic and the girls need to get their bottles and some sleep. Asher helps where he can and I can see that he is overthinking a little bit. We take a shower and then get into bed. (Asher): The mission is bigger than us. The safety of all of our kind goes first (Carlyn): Baby, are you sure that you are okay with this? I can take them out of the crew if- (Asher): My love, we work as a team. No matter what we come home to each other. We need to put the lives of everyone first. Our girls, your fam and their little ones (Carlyn): Our fam. Our fam okay? I love you (Asher): I love you more Besides, I know for sure that my past is where it belongs in the past. If my grandfather was here then he would tell me to protect my family at all costs. Asher would have loved him. I miss him everyday and it is not that easy to talk about him. Asher knows what happened to him and what the fam and I did to avenge his death. He knows Jasons involvement in the missions and he knows that I no longer have feelings for him. Including him and Cevin puts a bitter feeling in my blood but including Tyrell would most probably cause more drama. Since he was my previous relationship and that he hurt me in such a short time, Asher doesnt particularly care for his existence. Neither do I to be honest. He holds my hand and kisses it. The heavy feeling of worry leaves my shoulders as he smiles at me. We might be unkillable but we need to keep everybody else safe. We have already lost so much which is why we fight smarter and not harder. Lala, Lele and Ava are our everythings. We will do whatever it takes to protect them. There is a huge fight ahead we have to take them down one by one. I hate that we have to leave the girls but this is to save everyone we love and everyone else from these ungrateful, hateful and moronic no-goods. I already called my mother and asked that they keep safe indoors. Asher said the same to his parents on a call as well. This is going to be a long one but it will be worth every ounce of sweat and tears. I am in the woods. Its sunrise and I am watching it somehow. Asher must be at home because he isnt here. Somebody is speaking to me. Wait. Is that? (Carlyn): Bella!! (Bella): Mommy! (Carlyn): I missed you so so much! How can I see you? Where are we? How are you here? Bella holds me hand and asks me to walk with her. How is she here? What is happening? Are her sisters safe? Is Asher safe? What is going on? (Bella): Mommy, this fight. It will test you and Daddy I dont understand. Jasons her father. Does she mean Asher? (Bella): Your husband makes you happy. He loves you. Hes my real daddy. Just like you are my real mommy (Carlyn): Aww Bella She means Asher! I wish I could feel her hugs. Asher would have spoiled her like crazy and loved her almost as much as I do. (Bella): But mommy you need to be strong (Carlyn): Why? Is everything okay?... Bella? (Bella): I love you mommy Where is she? (Carlyn): Bella!! I love you too my angel. I wake up and my neck is sweating. Asher wakes up too and asks if I am alright. What just happened? How did I see Bella? She called Asher her dad. It was music to my ears. He is a patient and loving father. I just know that he would have loved her more than ever. I tell him what happened and he holds my hand. (Asher): You are the strongest woman I know. We can get through anything as long as we are together. You make me want to be better than I used to be I kiss him before I start crying. He is so sweet and his honesty just breaks through my shell every time. Honesty, commitment, respect, spontaneity, love, and so much more makes a relationship work. Regardless of what the couples face in this world. If you truly love the one that youre with then nothing and no one can stand in your way. This makes me think about our wedding. One of the happiest days of my life. Seeing him glow as I walked down the aisle will be one of my greatest memories. When we were little fangers, he made a joke about marrying me. It was a joke because when he took my hand to show where he would one day place a ring. He took the wrong hand and it made us laugh tremendously. We never really looked into it back then. We were just too little to understand all of the harsh realities of this world. As we grew up, we learned a lot in a short time. He tells me that I am beautiful and he always takes some time in his day to see how I am doing. He loves to have random phone calls, surprise me at work or even at home. I love that about him. Its the little things where he could leave a card for me on the breakfast table saying how much he loves me and I would read it every chance Id get. I do the same but I know that he loves just having me around and being honest with him. We were both cheated on in our previous relationships so honesty goes a long way with us. (Asher): Goodnight and sleep well. I love you (Carlyn): Sleep well and I love you! This is what we wanted even when we thought it was not possible. A family.

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