Chapter thirty five: Change is good.

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I wake up as the happiest woman in the universe. I have the man that I love lying next to me. My three little daughters and their big sister are sleeping like angels in their room. This is what I always wanted. My family is so much stronger than before. We have breakfast and it feels so amazing to see us all together. Bella sits at the small table with Lala, Lele and Ava whilst Asher and I sit at the table next to theirs. (Bella): We are best friends and sisters. Mommy we are best friends and sisters. Isnt that cool? (Carlyn): It is wonderful, my baby (Bella): Daddy really loves making mommy smile (Asher): I do Asher gives me a kiss and I cannot stop smiling. (Bella): See! I told you! Mommy is smiling I love this so much. If only we never had to leave the house. After I think that, my phone starts ringing. (Junaid): Hey sis (Carlyn): Hey boeta. What's up? (Junaid): Bruce got married to some girl again (Carlyn): Oh wow (Junaid): He wants us to come to his wedding party though. Can you make it? (Carlyn): Let me ask Asher quickly (Asher): It is okay baby. We can bring our girls with and make a day of it (Carlyn): That sounds perfect. We can make it boeta. Send us the location and the time (Junaid): Cherry Farmland in two hours sis (Carlyn): Thank you boeta, see you then Another wedding? Maybe he just enjoys the parties. I particularly feel like one wedding is more than enough but I cannot say anything. I am surprised that he did not invite us to the actual wedding. The wedding party is like icing on a cake and we only get invited to that? Maybe they eloped? We finish breakfast and get dressed. Bella helps dress her sisters and it is the most adorable thing to watch. (Carlyn): I have no idea why I am tired of weddings haha (Asher): It could be because we went to several before having our own (Carlyn): I know yes baby but it feels like it was so long ago but it was not. We do not know who Bruce married but if he is happy then that is the important part (Asher): Yes baba. I guess we will find out at the wedding party (Carlyn): Definitely. Bella, we are ready to go. The girls are dressed up too (Bella): I am here mommy. Where are we going? We have the triplets in a pram and I hold Bella's hand as we walk. (Carlyn): One of mommys friends got married today so we are going to the party (Bella): A party after a wedding? (Carlyn): Yes my angel (Bella): When can I get married for a party mommy? (Carlyn): Not for a long time sweetie (Asher): She is as inquisitive as her mom I give him a kiss and we pack the car. Bella sits with her sisters on the back seat and she is smiling at them. They are falling asleep and ten minutes into driving she falls asleep as well. They look so damn peaceful and I love it. Asher is busy driving but I take a picture of the girls. That is a picture worth printing and framing. We get to the wedding party and we are five minutes early. The girls are at the kids area that Bruce arranged for all of our kids. That was thoughtful of him considering that we did not get invited to the wedding. I wonder who his wife is. We walk to the table to get some drinks and we bump into Tamara. (Tamara): Carlyn! Its so great to see you! How are the girls? (Carlyn): They are over there at the kids section. They have been so amazing We talk for a bit and she gives me a hug before going somewhere. I did not think that she would be here. Bruce and her must have become friends throughout the mission period. Speak of the devil. Bruce stands on the stage and is about to say something with a mic. (Bruce): Thank you everyone for making it here this evening. I know that it was last minute but we are glad that you could make it nonetheless. My wife and I are both grateful for having you here. Baby can you come up please Tamara walks up to the stage and my mouth falls to the ground. WHAT?? They got married? Them? Bruce and Tamara? Tamara and Bruce? T and B? B and T? BT? I am so confused right now. When were they ever close? Were they close? Is just a prank? They seem to be serious. Are they serious? Cant be maybe it is just a joke? I dont see them laughing. Once they are finished with their gratuity speech, I walk over to Tamara. I put my hands on her shoulders and look at her. (Carlyn): Blink three times if you are being held against your will She laughs a bit and smiles at me. So I am guessing that she is not being held captive? (Tamara): I know that it is impulsive and last minute but we have been feeling some type of way and did not want to tell anyone because we did not know where it was going at first. We did not want anyone to get their hopes up before we even knew it was real (Carlyn): How did it even happen? (Tamara): We took a walk on the beach and were talking about life. We spoke about dating and how it feels when you just cannot live without someone. We knew that we had a feeling about each other but we did not know what to do about it. I joked about how marriages were underrated and he agreed with me but then he got down on one knee and proposed (Carlyn): When was this? (Tamara): About three weeks ago (Carlyn): You planned a full wedding and a wedding party in three weeks? (Tamara): We did not want to waste any time and we knew that this is what we wanted. He makes me happy and I am madly in love with him Gosh she seems very sincere. If he hurts her then I will burn him myself. I tell her this and she agrees with me. We share a hug and Asher walks over to us. (Asher): Congratulations Tamara. I hope that your husband takes care of you and if he does not then we will gladly deal with him (Carlyn): She is well aware baby. I just told her haha (Asher): Good to hear baba (Tamara): I would love to chat more but Bruce is calling me to cut the cake. Thank you both so much! After this a girl really needs sleep to clear her mind. How did they get together and nobody knew? Nobody even got suspicious of anything. What about Dax? Asher said that she and Dax were not exactly fans of each other so what happened there? I am not trying to be nosy but this is seriously mindboggling. How do you go from not dating a colleague to marrying a different one? I need some vodka with ice. Maybe a touch of mint, sprinkle of salt and a dash of blood would be perfect to it too.

When we get home we all fall asleep on the bed and I mean all of us. Asher, Bella, Lala, Lele, Ava and I sleep on the same bed and knock out within seconds. Today was exhausting!

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