Chapter seventeen: Heartthrob.

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I wake up and it is seven o'clock in the morning. Why does my mind do this to me? Asher is fast asleep and it seems almost against the law to wake him up so I decide to take a morning walk on the beach. The sound of the waves and the beautiful sun rise is beyond breath-taking. Could anything ruin this moment? (Cevin): Good morning beautiful Question asked and answered. (Carlyn): Morning Cevin. What a marvellous surprise (Cevin): You are too kind. How did you sleep? (Carlyn): Peacefully. How about you? (Cevin): I slept Okay then. Can he go bother someone else? It is way too early for this. (Cevin): So tell me. I am curious as to why you are doing this (Carlyn): Walking on the beach? (Cevin): Adorable really. I want to know why you are staying with your husband? (Carlyn): What kind of question is that? (Cevin): No, hear me out. If being with him and your children is whats causing this whole war to get worse. Why dont you just leave them and start over somewhere else? (Carlyn): That is not an option (Cevin): Oh come on. I am sure that you have considered it. You are the one that they want to find. If you leave then the danger is no longer around your family (Carlyn): You are wrong. A real family does not disappear when things get tough. They fight the war together and for each other (Cevin): Dear little C. What do you know about family and staying together? If I recall correctly, you ran once things got hard didnt you? (Carlyn): I have to go before I drown you and bury your body in a garbage truck Yes, I ran before. That is not who I am anymore and it disgusts me when people try to use that to make me feel ashamed of who I am. When I get back to the suite, Asher is coming out of the shower and has some blood in a glass. He sees that I am a bit upset and asks whats wrong. This is only going to make him angry and there is no need for a fight. He pours me a glass of wine and makes a joke about day drinking. I still feel tense so there is a punching bag that has been getting my attention this morning. Asher walks towards me and asks again. (Asher): I can see that something is seriously bugging you. Baby, Im not backing down. What is it? (Carlyn): FINE. Ill tell you. But no alcohol near you while I am speaking I can see his face turning to scarlet as I am telling him. His fists are turning red and his body is heating up profusely. As hot as he looks right now I get the feeling that he is not going to back down from a fight either. Once I finish talking then he storms off. Brilliant! Just brilliant! I had to tell him! Of course, I told him because he is my husband and honesty is important. Damn it! I hear yelling down at the beach and start racing towards it. Asher is screaming at Cevin and it is getting heated quicker than I anticipated. (Asher): I WARNED YOU ONCE AND NOW YOU THINK YOU CAN PLAY THERAPIST! Okay he is really mad. Why is this so hot? *Relax Mrs Silver. Your husband is currently about to rip your ex's head off* I tell myself. Guess I spoke too soon. Asher shoves his hand into Cevins chest and holds his heart. He looks as if he is ready to rip it out and call it a day. (Asher): I am going to tell you this once more. Stay away from my wife. Unless you look forward to an eternal slumber with no wake up calls Cevin looks like he is crapping his pants right now. I walk with Asher to get his hand cleaned up and calm him down. That was honestly so damn attractive to watch. The fire in is eyes what about that pulls me in? (Carlyn): Look at me. What you did out there was impulsive, short-tempered and one spark short of hellfire He looks up at me worried. (Carlyn): But damn sexy at the same time Asher smirks and I pull him towards me for a kiss. The fire between us igniting like a lot match to a candle. The feeling of heat in our bones connecting with every touch. Tasting his lips on mine and experiencing relief with every thrust. His soul and mine are one. The intoxicating smell of passion in the air is a scent I can never get enough of. He looks deep in my eyes and holds my neck in his hands. A little light choking never hurt. Make it heavy too. I am not picky unless it comes to food. He whispers in my ear with each movement. (Asher): I. Am. Yours. You. Are. Mine Every ounce of my mind, body and soul is as much his as his are mine. Even when I was with my exes I just knew that there was a void. A dark hole inside of me that none of them could fill. Asher does that and so much more. He is my everything, my heart, my soul, my body, my mind, my beginning, my end, my before, my after, and my all. Even if we never ended up together he was and is the greatest love story of my eternity. His love is so powerful that its as if he clips the chains off of my wings, giving me the ability to be free. His passion is so strong that it gives warmth to the coldest parts of my soul. His presence is so important that just having him around me makes me feel like I can do absolutely anything and everything. I love him for the good and the bad in him. Life is not life without the good and the bad. There is no light without darkness and there is no good without evil. There has to be a balance but finding the means to love every part of it without judgement makes life much easier to understand. We finish making love and just stare into each others eyes. I dont want to think about what eternity would have looked like without having him in it with me.

Tomorrow is the day we start fighting. We are going to need all of our energy.

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