Chapter six: Oops, here we go again.

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Three months later

The day is almost here! I have been spending the day in meetings with several board members. We have been discussing the hospital and now we are talking about the academy. Asher has been working impeccably with me during each meeting. Mr and Mrs Silver has a fun ring to it I like it. We have been working on adding new staff members and trying to find replacements for Gabbys position. It has been busy and hectic but nothing we cant handle. (Asher): It would be imperative that we work towards getting new staff members as soon as possible I love it when he speaks in that business man tone. They ask for my opinion and as I talk, my stomach feels heavier than it has ever been. A blinding pain shoots through my body and it feels like I am numb for a second that lasts almost forever. Tamara helps me stand and my seat is soaked. She tells Asher and I to go outside because she is going to call a car. (Tamara): Excuse Mr and Mrs Silver, they need to leave due an emergency I am so confused. What is- Then that pain hits me even harder. (Carlyn): What? Why? (Asher): My love, youre in labour. Come, lets go to the car (Carlyn): I want to give birth at home, baby. I dont want us to be at risk out in the open (Asher): As you wish babe The car ride is barely tolerable. My bones are aching and the pain keeps getting worse and worse. Asher is telling me to breathe but how the hell is it so difficult to do that? At this moment I want to kill everything that moves! Even the things that cant move! I lay on my bed and the doctor rushes in and tells me to breathe. What do these people not understand? It feels like my body is going to melt and then electrify itself. How would I be able to breathe?! (Doctor): Okay Mrs Silver, PUSH! Woman, do you know how this feels?! I push on my hardest and the first girl is out. Baby Madeleine is free. Now just about two more moments of complete pain and I should be good! (Asher): Push baby! You can do this! I love you baby but SHUT UP! GET OUT OF ME!! I cant keep doing this. You know what? Maybe if I take a deep breath and hold it in, then maybe we can continue tomorrow? (Doctor): NOW PUSH! I guess not. Pushing so hard that I feel like slapping my husband for putting me in this situation. After a long push, baby Callie is a survivor! You made it baby girl! Now let me get your sister up to speed! The doctor starts to panic and my head feels dizzy. Everything goes black for a second and when I wake up, the doctor is telling me to push and Asher is checking that I am okay. (Asher): One more push baba. One more! Shut up, my love. I love you so much but stop talking. AHHHHH!!!!!!! I give my final push and baby Ava is out and happy. I am extremely happy. Next thing I know, it is five hours later and Asher is talking to the doctor. I am cleaned up and the babies arent here. WAIT! Where are my girls?! WHO TOOK THEM?! Oh no did the crew show up? Did they take them? Asher walks over to me and kisses me on the forehead. (Asher): Our babies are okay. They are just with the doctors right now getting cleaned up after they helped you. You did great, baby (Carlyn): I love you so much. But I am not doing that again He laughs and gives me a kiss. I am serious though. No more of those! I am perfectly fine with three! I call the fam and let them know. That was a mistake because as soon as the call finished, everyone was at my door. The doctors bring Madeleine, Callie and Ava to our room and they look so peaceful. Tamara was taking a video during the birth so I show that to the fam and Luke faints. (Bruce): Dude! (Junaid): You have two boys already! Didnt you see the birth? (Luke): I closed my eyes and just tried singing a lullaby (Jasmine): And Sophia was okay with this? (Luke): Totally. She thought I was singing to her and the baby (Carlyn): Arent they precious? (Asher): I love them so much already (Carlyn): I do too These three girls have truly changed my view on what I do in life. I want to make sure that everything I do from hereon is to make them proud. They are my life. They are my everything. Just like Asher is my soul mate. Our own family. I sent pictures and videos to my mother and father. They cant stop sending me happy emojis and I just need some sleep. This has been the most exhausting time of my life. But it brought three angels of mine into it so it was ultimately worth it. Holding them in my arms makes me realise that everything had a reason. There was a reason why all of those bad things happened. It was to prepare me for one of the happiest times of my entire existence. Asher and I are going to love them so much and definitely teach them warrior skills. Ava has been needing the most attention and I dont mind. Her sisters are very independent so I love that she needs me. Each of them have their own personalities and they have their similarities but they are not identical. THANK ZORAN! If they looked exactly the same then we would have problems to deal with. Well more than we already have haha. I know that wherever Bella is, she is watching and is protecting us. This is what we wanted forever. A family of our own, a happy family. These three blessings are my proof that I am no longer going to be worried about what those idiots are going to do. I am going to face them head on and they are not going to touch a hair on my familys heads. I am going to tear them limb from limb if that is what it comes to.

Asher lets the fam look after the girls for the night and we head to bed. TIME TO SLEEP! This is what I really needed.

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