Chapter twenty eight: Why in the...

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Tamara sent me a message to head to the office immediately. We spoke for a few minutes but she said that I have an appointment at one of the restaurants about fifteen minutes from here. I have not been to Gregs Grill before but this is an interesting but odd choice for an appointment. Perhaps Jordon is up to something again. What would he want to say at a grill place? Would he want to set me on fire even though he knows I cannot be killed? Or would he just want to make a point? I have absolutely no idea. The place reeks of oil, beer and beef. This is seriously a weird place for an appointment. The waiter helps me to my table that is apparently reserved. This just gets weirder and weirder. What does Jordon want? Maybe he wants to poison my food and kidnap me? It would be pointless but I am certain that he would still try. Maybe he- Oh great! (Cevin): Hi Carlyn I sigh is disappointment and wonder if it is too soon to rip the leg off of my chair and shove it down his throat. (Carlyn): A restaurant appointment under a business explanation to my assistant. Whats with the deception and calling me here? (Cevin): I needed to talk to you. Since I was removed from the crew it seemed a bit more difficult to do that so I took a shot (Carlyn): A lousy one (Cevin): Well you are here arent you? (Carlyn): Well that reminds me. I CAN LEAVE! Cevin grabs my arm and pulls me back a bit. (Cevin): Please stay. We need to talk (Carlyn): The last time we spoke, you were trying to push me into abandoning my entire family. I am sure that you dont need to do advanced equations to put two and two together (Cevin): Screw it! He kisses me and I can hear flashes going off. I push him into a wall and panic. What the absolute hell? What the...? He did this on purpose. He ordered a paparazzi crew to wait to take a picture of us once he tried that! The little!! (Carlyn): I am going to make sure that you suffer a slow death for what you have just done He gulps and tries to make up excuses. I throw him through the wall and punch him until theres holes in his face. (Carlyn): You better hope that this is the last time I ever see you Tamara phones me and asks if I saw the news oh no News Update: Scandalous love? Old flames Cevin Fox and Carlyn Silver were exchanging smooches just today at Gregs Grill. Could this be adios Asher? Thats all for today readers, follow us @dailynewsforreal. (Tamara): Carlyn he is not at home and nobody knows where he is This is not happening this is so not happening. This is all a huge misunderstanding If I can find him then I can explain. There are probably a million things going on in his head right now. I just hope that he is safe wherever he is. Everything is a mess now I drive home and the house is a mess too. Papers are everywhere, furniture have been thrown, glass is on the floor and his car is gone. What do I do? How can I fix this? Where could he have gone? The girls are the girls alright?! I race up to the nursery and they are crying. I do a spell to rock their crib a bit and try to calm them down. Meanwhile my heart is pounding and my head is being spun upside down. What can I do? Where do I start? Tamara said that nobody knows where he went. Not even Dax knows. Thats right, Tamara even spoke to Dax to ask for help. That already tells you how freaked out we are. I have no idea what to do. Cevin knew that those annoying fangers would take pictures if he did that. How did this happen? Jaz walks into my room as I am laying in a ball on my bed. (Jasmine): It would be stupid to ask if you are doing okay sis. What can we do to find him? (Carlyn): I have been trying to think sis but all I want to know is if he is doing okay and if he is safe sis I feel so helpless. Where would be go? (Jasmine): Okay that is it! You are Carlyn fricken Silver! You took down the Green Dragon Organisation purely by adrenaline and focus. You lost two close friends and still took down three of the most powerful descendants ever. You have faced death and still keep fighting. You can find him sis (Carlyn): You are right sis. I need to stop feeling sorry for myself I call Tamara and tell her to get everyone here. (Carlyn): Bruce, Jaz, Juju, Luke, Tamia, Rodrigo, Anthony, Frederick, Dax and Tamara we need to put our heads together to find Asher. There was a huge misunderstanding but now he is gone. With Jordon still out there, I do not want to waste any time on this. Lets find my husband together Everyone agreed with me and we start talking about a plan. Things to need to be taken care of this side and how to search outside too. Tamara said that we should work on this for as long as possible and I am with her on this. I do not want to sleep until we find him. It does not matter how long it takes. Asher has to come home safe and if I have to search until the edges of the world to find him, believe me I will. (Carlyn): I hope that you guys enjoyed your sleep last night because you will not be sleeping until we find Asher. Jaz take the girls to my mothers house and stay with them to keep them safe. We will keep working here and will let you know if we have any changes. Good luck to all of us (Junaid): We will find him sis (Luke): Then lets work man! (Bruce): Dude (Luke): Sorry (Tamia): Lets go for it

Asher we will find you, baby. We have to..

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