Chapter twenty three: Conspicuously screwed.

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I want to go back to sleep. Cant I go back to sleep? I am sure that I can convince Asher to stay in bed for the day with me but the rest of the fam will kick our butts. *KNOCK* (Jasmine): Guys! Wake up! Asher turns to me and kisses me good morning. (Asher): We should get up baby (Carlyn): No, no, no. Cant we just lay here and relax? *KNOCK* (Jasmine): No you cannot sis. Get up! Breakfast is almost ready! Ugh! Okay! It would be so much better if we could just stay here and ignore the day. Am I feeling crappy because of yesterday? Yes I am. Do I want to sleep the day away? Yes I do. Unfortunately nobody else plans on joining me in this idea. Great. Yesterday really has me overthinking because how could we let this happen? The one thing that annoys me the most is that the descendants crew will now be aware of our plans to take them down one by one. The stealth idea was something that would have made everything so much smoother. When Asher and I eventually get out of bed, I choose to take a shower first. Normally he would join me but this time there is a lot on my mind. This showed him how upset I am because I hate morning showers in general and can only tolerate it when he is with me. As the hot water touches my skin, it feels as if it is burning the guilt off of my body. Not entirely but it is doing something. My mind keeps replaying the mission and I am stuck. We had people on the sides and guarding the entrance and exit points. Why did they only ambush the one side and will Brody be alright? They shot him with a silver bullet but we have not heard anything yet. *KNOCK* (Asher): My baby, we are going to eat in a few minutes hey (Carlyn): Okay, my love The crew will pay for what they have done and Zoran have mercy on them if they dare to try anything else. Billy was in shock but did exactly what needed to be done. The training really taught us how to act in a rough situation. It did not tell us how to take it when the plan was set up perfectly but it STILL GOES HORRIBLY WRONG! We nearly lost Jaz during a mission before. We lost two of our closest friends because of what we do everyday. We train and protect. That is what we teach at the academy. Helping everyone gain the skill to defend whether it is from a technical screen or out in the field. That is what the previous headmistress taught us and that is what we are trying to help our students and staff with. What if we missed something? There were no cameras and no guards out in the open after we dealt with them. There were no getaway cars, planes or boats. Nothing. (Asher): Baby I am dressed and Asher sees that this is messing with my mind. He holds me in his arms and I melt into him. What would I do without him? He knows just how to take my stress away from me and make me feel better. He kisses my cheek, holds my hand and we walk to the breakfast table in the backyard. (Luke): Good morning! Food for everyone! Get it while its hot! Everybody seems to be doing alright. Asher goes with the boys to go dish for themselves but Jaz pulls me aside. She can see the worried expression on my face. (Jasmine): Sis what is going on? (Carlyn): Something does not feel right sis. I have this bad feeling Jaz walks with me to dish some food and go eat. We have a good time and talk about all of our missions that we went on in the beginning. Jaz points out how we called her last minute and jokes about wanting to kick our asses. In my defence, I was out drinking away personal issues. (Junaid): If there was something that we did not enjoy, it was playing cat and mouse with you sis Everyone shakes their heads and agrees with him. (Carlyn): I needed to blow off some steam. I seem to remember telling you guys not to come looking for me We laugh and they say that its true. I was really going to be fine on my own. Sometimes we are able to lose our minds to find our minds again. We have to hit rock bottom sometimes to know that the only way was up. That only better things can come from that. (Carlyn): Where is Asher? Wasnt he with the guys? (Luke): We ran out of eggs so he went to go get some more (Carlyn): Okay. As long as there is enough for everyone Hours go by and there is still no sign from Asher. My calls are not going through and he has not come back since breakfast. Jaz said that we should wait a bit longer and see what happens. I know that he is unkillable but they could still take him captive. Torture is something that I would never allow others to do to him. A few more hours go by and still nothing. It is ten oclock in the evening and I am about to lose my mind. Suddenly there is a grunting sound outside. Feet dragging and heavy breathing is coming from outside. Everybody is asleep but I couldnt fall asleep without finding Asher. There are footsteps and I can smell his cologne. (Asher): Baby He collapses after entering the room but I catch him before he hits the ground. He is badly bruised, there is blood on him and he looks exhausted. I get him some blood bags to help with his strength but he needs some help. He can barely walk so I dont know how he was able to make it back. He needs to get his wounds cleaned and himself cleaned up too. (Carlyn): My love, we are going to take a bath but there will be alcohol-based drops so it will burn a bit but its to clean your wounds okay? Asher nods his head and I help him to the bath. He is not a bubble bath kind of guy so no bubbles for now but I need to clean him up. As I wash each wound, I have to be extra careful but Asher is trying to keep it together. After about forty minutes, I help him get dressed and get into bed. Those descendants are going to wish I ripped their hearts out to give them a quick death. I am beyond pissed. Don't screw with my family.

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