Chapter five: Love never fails.

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One week later – Wedding Day

I know that giving the potion to Asher will make Jordon and his crew come looking for us. That does not matter because we will be ready for them. Tamara and Jasmine are finishing up bringing in my dress. It looks so beautiful The detail and the style is beyond breath-taking. Once hair and makeup is finished, everyone helps me put the dress on. The team is basically Jasmine, Tamara, My mom, Juju and Luke. (Carlyn): Thank you everyone for helping me and help make this day memorable. I love you all and look forward to what the world brings next We hug and I curse because my tears will not ruin my makeup! Haha! My father asks if I am ready and walks me down the aisle. Asher and my story starts playing in my mind. When we were little and he loved to make me smile. That has never changed. When we were a little older and still finding ourselves we argued a lot but our hearts were in the right place. After all of my mistakes and meeting the wrong people. Today I get to marry the love of my life. Someone who gave life to a dead soul. Who else in the world could be someone that means this much to me? Nobody. I hold Ashers hands and he mouths You look beautiful. I love you and I say I love you too. He looks handsome and smells like home. We get to our vows and my heart is racing. (Carlyn): Asher from the moment I met you, something pulled me to you. We have been through hell and back several times. Even though there were bad times, I never stopped loving you. You taught me pain but you also taught me love and patience. I got you, baby. I vow to love you, protect you, and to be by your side. I vow to cherish you, respect you and trust you as my husband and the father of our babies. Forever and Always Okay so I started crying during my vows but my makeup was fine! We were still alright everyone! Asher kisses my hand and starts saying his vows. (Asher): Carlyn I knew the moment I met you that one day you would be my wife. No matter what we went through, I never stopped loving you either. Baby, I could put fifty million of the most perfect vampires, werewolves and witches together but they would never measure up to you. I vow to love, cherish, honour, protect, respect, motivate and be there for you. I want to spend forever with you. I want to be in awe of you as my wife and the future mother of our babies We drink from our chalices and I remember that the potion is in his chalice. If it worked then he should be able to tell me what flavour it is. I asked Amanda a load of questions and made sure that I knew what to expect. The flavour of the potion should be burnt rose. I ask him what it tastes like and I was happy with his response. (Asher): Burnt what is that? Burnt rose? I like it (Carlyn): I like it too Ashers father smiles at us as we drink from our chalices. (Collin): You may now kiss your bride We kiss and everyone stands up. They applaud as we walk down the aisle together. Hermosa Islands has been my favourite place since I first laid my eyes on it. Asher and I wanted to make it here so we could all spend time here for the honeymoon. We have our own place a distance away to have some privacy. The wedding goes smoothly and we drive back to our holiday place before it gets too dark outside. Asher shows me around the place and it is magnificent! I love it here! Maybe the babies love it too because they are kicking like crazy in there. (Asher): So Mrs Silver, how are you feeling? (Carlyn): Well Mr Silver, I am tired and a bit gassy but I am good I pull a face and we both start laughing. (Asher): I love you so much (Carlyn): You better. I love you more! We kiss and the babies kick again. (Asher): Hello my three angels! Daddy is going to teach you so much when you are here! I burst into tears and cannot stop crying. (Carlyn): Sorry baby. Its the hormones. But that was so beautiful I hold him and remember that I need to tell him something. Mentally preparing myself and trying to remain calm. (Carlyn): So I need to tell you something (Asher): Yes baby? (Carlyn): You love me, right? (Asher): Babe whats wrong? (Carlyn): I put the unkillable potion in your chalice before you drank it and now those bastards might come looking for us He pauses for a bit and I start to worry. Is he mad? (Asher): I made a vow to be with you no matter what. We will face those idiots together I hug him and feel a huge relief. This is what I was hoping for. I never thought that I would actually have my happy ending but I know that these guys have to be dealt with. Amanda said that I didnt drink the potion that I was born with the power. I want to find out exactly how that was possible. I call Tamara and ask her to look into it. Before leaving the Hermosa Islands, everyone gathers for a little get together. I speak to as many people as I can. Cleo and Sasha, my close friends from Yonderprick, have been so happy for me and I am glad that they are here. (Cleo): Girl!! You look so cute man! I love it! (Sasha): Kelsey and Kiara couldnt make it but they send their love as well! We miss you so much at Yonderprick (Carlyn): I miss you all so much! We have to plan a day out soon! We say our goodbyes and I greet everyone else. I know too many people haha. My mom, dad and brother have already left because it is a long drive to Deadly Shore. Its much easier to get home with our transport. Asher assures me that everything we need is packed and that we will get home safely. I actually am starting to miss our home. To think that sooner or later, there will be three little girls there with us. Bella is probably excited and I can feel her in my heart. She said that I would have the happy story that I wanted and she was right. About twenty minutes away from home, Asher and I have been thinking about names for the girls. (Carlyn): Callie. Ava and Melanie (Asher): I love the first two but baby, what about Madeleine? (Carlyn): Oh my gosh. Perfect! Callie, Ava and Madeleine (Asher): Our three blessings Took us a few hours but we finally came to a conclusion. I love those three names. Asher is as excited as I am. I get in bed and Asher just goes to the bathroom for a bit. As he is busy, I talk to my girls for a while. (Carlyn): Hello my girls. Its mommy talking. I love you all so much even though I havent held you in my arms yet. You are going to be cherished and loved so so much. I cant wait to meet each of you Asher walks in and kisses me on the cheek. He obviously heard what I just said and starts massaging my back. This is heaven right here. My back has been bothering me since we left. For now, Jordon and his crew have no idea that I gave the potion to Asher. I wonder how long this will last but I am going to make every moment special regardless of what they will try.

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