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❤️Kaylee POV❤️

I'm known to make stupid decisions whenever I'm upset, these choices usually involve someone getting hurt mentally or physically.

For example, I came home one day and saw that everyone's food share out nicely on the table except mine.

Me and my mother had a disagreement in the morning before I left however usually she would say things and not actually do it and then we are good again.

But because of what I am seeing Infront of me I convinced myself that she stands on her word today and is not giving me any dinner.

So without any further questions.

I left the door open so the stray cats will come in and eat everyone's food.

Petty much.

I didn't care.

But that quickly changed when my mom came home and told me that my Sister Gabriel broke my plate, so she shared my food on a different plate.


That quickly came back and bite me in the ass.

Guess who didn't get dinner for a week after she found out.

And I feel that I am currently in one of those situations right now.

After I agreed to be Greg's Prom date and his request of being his girlfriend that he has been trying to get me to accept for 3 months now.

I regrated every second of it the moment the person I was trying to wash out of my thoughts called my phone.

I wish I had a time machine.

This will Definity come back to haunt me.

I'm currently getting ready to meet with curio at our Community park and from there he will be taking me out.

He said it's a surprise dress casual.

I asked my mom if I could go, and she said to be back at 9:00 I quickly took a shower got dressed, and head out the door.

The park was so full of people I decided that I would sit on the curb outside instead of staying in there with that many people.

I think I might be agoraphobic.

I was on the curb looking down at the ground as I wait on the bride.

Must be a damn bride why he takes so long.

After a long time of waiting there was an ambrosial scent that hit me.

I looked up to see the man that haunt my dreams.

Hi Mr., sweet face.

I smiled up at him and he stretch his hand to help me get up.

I smiled up at him and he stretch his hand to help me get up

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"why are you on the floor Mami?" He asked

"I didn't believe a word of what you said so don't come a act all friendly" I snaped but deep down I want to kiss those smirking lips.

"Mami I already told you, I know you have your graduation stuff going I didn't want to bother you plus I was busy working with my uncle"

He held my hand for us to start walking.

"Curio that's the stupidest excuse I have ever heard" I flashed his hand off mine so I could step aside and look at him.

"If you didn't want to bother me you wouldn't have approached me".

I looked up at him with a pout.

He stopped walking and got Infront of me pulling me to a small lane that nobody normally walks in.

He pushed me up against the wall and dip his head so that his lips can be closer to my ears.

"You are so cute when you do that" he whispers.

I can feel his bulge through his pants resting on my stomach.

His hands slowly brush over my shoulder and he rest them on my arms to steady me.

"It doesn't matter If I texted you are not because the past week every time, I close my eyes, I imagine your beautiful face" he said while he gently brushes my cheek.

I looked up at him from under my lashes now breathing heavier.

It does matter... but

There goes that feeling again.

A feeling of Desire , crave, Hunger.

Horny my inner queen adds blankly.

"Now that I am with you, I feel closer to the essence of divinity"

"So yes I didn't want to bother you. But I had to" He said while tucking my hair behind my ears.

"Now let's go, we are going to see a movie" He chuckled.

I rolled my eyes "that's the big surprise" I said and smiled at him.

"No I am" he said and started to tickle me.

8:45 PM

"Mi say me hate African show!" He feigns seriousness.

I was dying of laughter I didn't expect him to be funny because he gives off the serious guy type of vybz most times.

"Come on now Ohh, the show was gwood" I mocked in a fake African and Burst out in laughter.

"You can't convince me to ever watch another African show" he said chuckling.

Our laughter started to die down and we are walking hand in hand.

"aye, you want to come chill on my block a little before you go in?"

Don't do it girl crotches him want.

"Auum why" Internally faced palm myself, noticing how stupid that sounds.

Or does it?

I need to stop beating myself up.

"just to chill" he shrugged.

Say no!!


Idiot gyl, why you a do this? Make upa excuse quick!!

I can control my self thank you very much.

Yes the river in you draws agree with you my subconscious says sarcastically and roles her eyes.

" lets go" he smiled hugging me around my neck.

Please Vote❤️❤️ Thank you guys so much for reading.

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