〰️🔅Our first Time🔅〰️

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Curios POV🤍

I can honestly say that this has been a wonderful day, this is the first time in years I have been with a female for the entire day and not get bored or ask for sex and then leave.

Fi a thugz I had the ebullience of happy children being next to her embracing her sweet aura.

On our way over she asked me about a thousand questions about the heavy metal now resting in the pocket of the car door.

I don't like lies so I had no choice but, to be honest with her, but just for her safety, I left out some information.

I indeed to have the gun for safety and no, it is not a license.

However, I do have a police link that will be fixing that very soon.

I am not involved with the gang however I have acquaintances in the gang that I do business with occasionally.

Most members of the gang are not the brightest so they would ask me to assist them with their finance and documents.

For a price.

We had an agreement that once I am out of high school everything that we had would be over.

They agreed however when I was in eleventh grade, they brought a new proposition to me.

I was struggling to pay for my subjects and somehow they found out.

I previously attended Eltham High School, My mother was overseas working since I was about eleven and my father passed away when I was in primary school and I was left in the care of my grandparents that didn't always have it.

When It was getting around to CXC time I asked my mother to pay for my eight subjects and she agreed to send the money by October.

Two weeks before the payment was to be made, I reached out to her reminding her that the time is quickly approaching.

This a when she choose fi  tell man say she no think she ago can pay it.

Yuh see if she did tell me no from two months ago, I would have found another way but she wait last minute fi tell me this.

I started contacting everyone I could asking for help.

because it was last minute most people could not help or could only afford to sponsor me a small change.

My grandma managed to scrape some money from her children overseas and by the time of the payment date I could only afford to pay for four subjects.

I passed all four subjects however it wasn't enough for me to further my education in the field that I wanted.

Tyrone the member of the gang that they mostly communicate with me through visited me and said they wanted to draft up a new agreement.

They would send me to another school, and I would start at grade 10, I was required to go to school all the way up to 6th form and once I am finished then our ties will be cut completely.

They agreed to handle all my financial needs as I do their filing and documenting.

I used the opportunity to get as many subjects as I could and after graduation, I will be completely finished with the gang.

Gracefully Brokenजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें