〰️➿🔆Date Night🔆➿〰️

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I took some ideas in writing the first section about the photograph,I got the idea from another writer sadly I can't remember who❤️.

You've seen those photographs where the background is blurred, where the only thing part in focus is the person who is pictured.

That was him on our first date.

When we were seated watching the movie every other detail of that place was blurred as every part of me focused on every aspect of him.

That's how I know that curio was the one.

Have you ever watched someone embarrass their selves and feel bad for them as if the shame is being brought up on you?

That is how my first date with Greg was, I cringed so hard at everything that he said and did.

He turned me off in ways I have never imagined, which deemed him the worst date of my life.

I know for a fact that I have the ability to identify my feelings for a person firsthand at a date.

Something about this one is really puzzling me though.

I didn't put much effort into my dressing but I still tried to look nice.

I picked out a long sleeve khaki-colored mini dress with a deep V cut, I complimented the outfit with my white bag and white pumps to match that nique got me of course.

I washed my hair in the shower so I just decided to spray some condition water and leave it out.

My makeup was light as usual, however, despite my simple glow his eyes still sparkled when I walked into the restaurant

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My makeup was light as usual, however, despite my simple glow his eyes still sparkled when I walked into the restaurant.

I know he always had a thing for me but he was never a person that I showed interest.

I associate him with the worst events of my life and he's a person I never want to be around.

But here I was having a date with him, and I was actually enjoying it.

The confusing part is I'm not sure how I feel about him.

This is all a part of a plan yet I can't seem to stick with it.

I was completely distracted by his charm.

There are things I need to ask, Yet from the start, there was chemistry, a spark, and we talked for hours so easily.

It wasn't simply a first date,it was a plan that is now completely out the window.

No enuh! Not completely, focus sis.

It was the second time I had met a man who captivated me so much.

But curio didn't only captivate me, he captured me completely, making me want more of him.

Gracefully BrokenWhere stories live. Discover now