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❤️Curio POV❤️

After several failed attempts to get Kaylee on the phone, I decided to walk to her house in hopes that she will speak with me.

"Lee!" I shouted I tried three more times with no response then a woman that looks like an older version of Kaylee came out and glare at me saying "she's not here".

What's her problem, I thought Kaylee said she approved of me.

Maybe Kaylee told her about Aliyah and the baby.

God, Aliyah just a try to mash up me life.

I was sitting at the stall next to the open parking lot, this is where it all started and I'm thinking about how I'm going to prevent it from coming to an end.

My phone started to ring, It was Aliyah, I let out a long sigh, then I answered.


"The doctors said if we continue like this we will be able to go home by tomorrow," she said

"Okay" I replied

"Are you okay?" She asked

"The baby good?" I asked

"Yes.. Auuum, will you pick us up?"

"A tonight me a carry back the rental, so me will call a taxi fi unuh" I said then disconnect the call without another word.

I really don't want to talk to Aliyah.

I just find it hard to believe that she really did this to me.

The timing of when I found out that I'm not the father of that beautiful baby is what gave the hard stab in my back.

It wouldn't even hurt at all if only I found out before looking into Curiel's beautiful eyes.

I didn't feel an immediate bond with her.

But when she opened her eyes and looked at me she captured my heart.

regardless of what her wicked Muma did she still deserves a father.

I will speak with Aliyah soon for now let her have all the fun, I need my woman more than anything right now.

And she brought her great pain and hurt, if I talk to her now me might leave me bullet in her head.

My phone started ringing again and without checking the caller ID I answered.

"Aliyah leave me nuh" I said, now getting even more upset.

"Help please!!!" Caleb shouted.

I could hear screaming and things breaking in the background.

I jumped off the stall and ran as quickly as I could to Liam's house.

❤️Kaylee POV❤️

"Kelly?" I said holding my mouth.

I turned to look at Caleb and gave him a hostile glare.

Shaneequa's face contorted with rage, she charged at Caleb like a bull that's seeing red.

I grabbed her and she kicked and scream like a Wild Animal.

Kelly quickly dragged her clothes on while Caleb stood there pleading with Shaneequa as I try my very best to stop her from killing them both.

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