〰️🔅Amarilla BLVD🔅〰️

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❤️Kaylee POV❤️

My heart is beating faster than a runaway train as I sit outside of Liam's house scrolling through Instagram trying to distract myself. 

I think I should see a specialist.

I have horrible social anxiety; I think this is one of the reasons why I am always locked in my house.

We are currently seated in a small lane directly in front of Liam's house.

The right-hand side of the lane to be exact.

On the left Liam's mother, Aunty charm a well-known woman in the community was playing bingo with about five people male and female.

And we are seated on the left with a group of about 9-12 Boys and me being the only girl.

Trauma #1.

The block that they live on is one block away from mine and is called Amarilla BLVD.

When I was younger this block was the hotspot for crime in our community.

I remember on Sundays I would buy Ice-cream on my block or Roja Drive.

One Sunday none of the shops had Drumstick, which is my favorite I literally don't want anything else.

And my cousin told me about an Ice cream shop on Amarilla BLVD and I asked my mom if I could go and her words drove fear into me for years.

"If you go round deh yago dead as yuh reach". With that being said I tried my very best to never set foot on that block.


When I was 10 my older cousin Crystal got a boyfriend that lived on Amarilla blvd the nickname for the block is jungle.

She asked if I could follow her to the shop and I did then she took a turn saying she wanted to visit a friend.

My palms started to sweat, and my face was pink from the heat that started to form within me because of nervousness once we started to cross the bridge going over to jungle.

Anxiety was killing me, but I couldn't tell her that I had to play brave.

I wanted to seem mature so I could continue to hang out with her.

We arrived at the guy's house it was very close to the bridge not too far into the block, so I started to calm down a little, but I was still very antsy.


My body jerked at the loud blow, and my eyes popped open.

Blow! Blow! , You could hear it echo like thunder through the lane.

I flicked my head in the direction of the sound.

I was now rooted to the ground; I stand motionless in the spot as I watched everything play out like a movie before me.

the man that was sitting around the Domino table across from the house danced at every bullet.


I felt I hard pull, and I was snapped back to reality.

I was now running but my brain is completely zoned out, so my feet are moving with a mind of their own.

I never forget the face of the shooter and to make it worst years later his very own son caused a man to point a gun at me. 

Fi a girl weh stay in yuh go through nuff though.

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