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🫶🏼Curio POV🫶🏼

I hope Jayquan has a good explanation for calling a meeting when he knows that this bullshit was going to happen.

I watched Kaylee as she pushed her hair out of her face, and sit on the horns of her dilemma.

I will kill Jermaine myself if he thinks he will marry my girl.

"That my friend is tampered document," Jayquan said with a confident smile.

Everyone turned to Jayquan confused including Jermaine.

"What is the document about Mr. Thomas?" Crip asked

"This is a diagnostic test for Jermaine Wong and Curiel Oakley, filed by Jayquan Frances," Everton said.

"How do you know that it is tampered with?" Crip asked Jayquan

"Because, Tracey told him about the plan, he contacted the DNA office and paid $150,000 in cash to doctor Morgan 2 days after the samples got sent, but what you didn't know is that it was recorded, however, it was recorded as a payment for express service," Jayquan said handing another set of documents from different locations to Everton.

"These are other samples sent to three different locations," Jayquan said

"99.9% for all three," said Everton with a look of astonishment.

I looked at Kaylee and she relaxed in her seat looking to the ceiling, moving only her lips slowly to form 'thank you, god'

I don't know if she is happier that my daughter now has her right father or the fact that she doesn't have to marry this fool that looks like he wants to shit himself.

Crip was glaring at Jermaine, Jayquan was fixing his shirt looking confident like the perfect lawyer that solved a case.

"So what will happen now?" I asked

"I'm sorry who are you?" Everton asked

Kaylee flicked her head looking at me with intense eyes, I know she doesn't want me to tell the truth.

I don't think she wants him to know that I'm her boyfriend.

But I can't lie to a paid liar.

"I'm the father of his child," I said smiling and Jayquan choked on the water fighting back laughter.

Kaylee's face relaxed and she now sports a little smile on her face still trying to be professional but I know she wants to laugh too.

"So to answer my earlier question, what will happen now?" I said

"Well, his brother Jamar will have to proceed with the marital arrangements,

As for you here is my card if you wish to change over the child's ownership" he said

"But Jamar does not want to get married" I turned to look at my uncle.

"He will" crip said.

"So... I guess this meeting is over, we will meet again in two weeks for Jamar to sign the documents as the previous ones will be null and void," Everton said packing up his papers to show us to the door.

"Wait" Kaylee shouted and everyone turned to face her.

💔Kaylee Pove💔

"It doesn't have to be me that gets married? It can be any of my sisters?" I asked

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