359 7 1

Authors Note: this one is a bit more serious fyi and the next few will be too

< Bitches >
< Monday
< 7:32 am

Deacon: so gremlins, you arrest the drug dealers yet??

Hondo: no we're waiting for something to happen then we either arrest or shoot them🤸‍♂️

Street: I'm hoping for the latter 💃💃

Tan: what are you waiting for? 🤨

Hondo: things.......

Street: stuff.........

Luca: stuff? 😀

Chris: what type of things?? 😶😶

Hondo: just things 🤷

Street: nothing worrying 🏃🏃

Tan: and yet I don't believe a second of that 🫠🫠

Deacon: you guys gonna explain more??🧍‍♂️

Street: nothing you need to know👀👀

Hondo: stay out of our business 👏👏

Chris: okay now I'm really worried

Tan: baby will you tell me? 🙏🙏

Street: no

Tan: why not 🤨🤨

Street: I don't want to 🧍‍♂️

Deacon: y'all seein this?👀👀👀

Chris: oh I'm seeing it 😀😀

Tan: but you tell me everything ✨✨

Street: it's better you don't know 🤷

Tan: you say that about a lot of things that you tell me anyways

Street: not this one

Tan: is it dangerous? 🥺🥺

Street: not really, it's more just personal

Tan: personal? You don't do personal. 🤨🤨🤨

Street: this time I do

Deacon:Hondo you gonna say anything?👁👄👁

Hondo: they don't wanna tell you they don't gotta tell you 🤷🤷

Luca: shouldn't we know?? 🤌🤌

Hondo: no, it won't make a difference if you were to know to if you weren't 🤸‍♂️🤸‍♂️

Deacon: so tell us! 💥💥💥

Hondo: no. Street doesn't want you to know and I'm respecting that 🫡🫡

Street: 🫶🫶🫶

Tan: so we really get nothing 😶😶

Chris: seems that way Tan 🫠🫠

Luca: why do I feel offended?? 😃😃😃

Deacon: no cause same 🤺🤺🤺

Hondo: guys shut up we're about to be in the middle of something and can't have our phones going off 🏃🏃🏃

Tan: we're on shift????😀

Street: me and Hondo are running an errand don't worry about it 🤸‍♂️🤸‍♂️

Deacon: an errand? 🤨🤨

* Hondo has muted < Bitches > for an hour*
* Street has muted < Bitches > for an hour *

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