281 7 0

< Bitches >
< Tuesday
< 3:21 pm

Street: on my way home!!! 💅💅

Hondo: I thought you had days left??

Street: well I killed those cunts so I'm good to come home 💃💃

Street: I am however exhausted and haven't slept in an alarming amount of time 👍👍

Tan: why not? 🤨🤨

Street: I had to stay up all night waiting for one of the guys to show up so I could shoot him 🤺🤺

Chris: can you sleep on the plane?

Street: I actually hate planes now and have to take anxiety meds when I go on them so sleep is out of the question 🤸‍♂️

Luca: wait why do you hate planes? 👁👄👁

Street: remember I was taken hostage on a plane and held at gun point 🧍‍♂️

Deacon: Whyd I forget that happened?? 👀👀👀

Street: idk it was traumatizing though and Hicks have no fucks and I went to work the next day 👏👏

Hondo: you seemed fine?

Street: I was tasered on the plane and then thrown into a wall!!! Pretty sure I had bruised ribs!! 👍👍👍

Chris: why didn't you say anything????

Street: i didn't wanna be inconvenient 👉👈

Tan: baby if you're hurt you should say something so we can help you 😟😟

Luca: especially after something like that ☹️

Hondo: we'll be giving you cuddles when you get home ✋✋

Street: why? My ribs are healed, I was taken like three months ago?? 🤨🤨

Hondo: hun that's not how it works 🧍‍♂️

Street: no I'm pretty sure my ribs are healed!!👍👍

Hondo: no not that, we will be cuddling and relaxing because you're flying on a plane today and that's a big deal with what you've been through

Street: but I have to 🤨🤨

Chris: you could've driven or even passed up the job but you decided to fly there 🤌🤌

Street: oh

Tan: does it make sense now?

Street: ......... yes?.............

Luca: we'll all be at Deac and Hondos house with snacks and movies qued up! 👏👏

Street: oo what movies?🙂

Deacon: what would you like to watch? It's about you today hun 😌

Street: can we see the one with the penguins that me and Hondo watched when I first started 💃💃

Hondo: penguins of madagascar??

Street: is that the name of it? 🧍‍♂️

Hondo: how are you such a cinnamon roll and yet so terrifying at times??  🧎🧎

Street: I don't know but can we watch that one though?🏃🏃

Hondo: sure, If I may ask, why?

Street: I like the one who eats everything!!! 👍👍

Chris: of course you do 🧍‍♂️

Tan: y'know if we were to be put into that movie, I think that one would be Luca 💅💅

Street: which one would I be???

Tan: private 🫶🫶

Street: the cute one?

Tan: exactly 😚😚

Chris: tan and deacon would both be the smart one 🤝🤝

Hondo: I'd be the leader right? 🙂🙂

Street: absolutely 🤸‍♂️🤸‍♂️

Luca: what about Chris? 🤨🤨

Chris: oh no no no I don't want part in this, this is for the guys 💃💃💃

Street: hey!

Tan: ouch!

Chris: sorry, for the amab people ✋✋

Street: 👍👍

Hondo: omg that means me and street are private and skipper!!  It's so good!!! 🏄🏄🏄

Street: chris can be classified!!! The one who sighs at every action we do!!! 🏌🏼‍♂️🏌🏼‍♂️🏌🏼‍♂️

Chris: okay I'm alright with that 🤝🤝

Street: mmmmmmm the planes leaving I do not like this

Tan: I don't know how your connection will be hun but we're all right here, nothings gonna happen


Hondo: it's turbulence baby 😥

Street: I hate this. The plane ride here was so smooth and easy to sit through 😭😭😭

Chris: how long is the plane ride??

Street: three and a half hours 😭😭

Deacon: we'll be there when you get off 💖💖💖

Street: I am hating every minute of this and I can't even enjoy the fact that I'm flying first class because I'm too busy shaking☹️☹️

Tan: you payed for first class?

Street: the FBI did, they found out I was taken hostage and feel bad they didn't know sooner, they would've intervened 🥲

Luca: that would've been interesting 🧍‍♂️

Street: guys I think I'm actually going to pass out 😰😰

Street: I can't breathe right and this poor flight attendant is sitting with me and holding my hand but she looks scared out of her mind 😭😭😭

Street: there's nobody else in first class so it's just us which is helping a little but this ride is bumpy and for WHAT 💥💥💥💥

Hondo: just try to match the flight attendants breathing, watch her chest rise and fall, slow down your breaths hun 😞😞

Street: she's telling me about her cats and it's helping a bit

Street: also I don't know how all my texts are sending but they are

Tan: how's your breathing?

Street: I think the anxiety meds are kicking in since I'm calming down and the flight attendant, her names Josie, is showing me all these videos of her two cats🤌🤌

Street: ones named s'mores and the others name is cherry

Chris: very cute baby 💖

Street: I'd still like to get off this plane immediately 🏃🏃🏃

Deacon: you only have around three hours then we can watch the penguin movie and get food 😌😌

Street: tan do you know if my red sweaters clean?

Hondo: you mean the one you stole from me 🤨🤨

Street: it's comfy 🤷

Tan: yeah it is I can bring it to the airport 💖💖

Deacon: we'll all be in my van out front for you 👍👍

Luca: I'm bringing tea for you! 💛💛

Street: I love you guys 🫶🫶

Hondo: we all love you too baby 🫶🫶

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