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< Bitches >
< Friday
< 5:32 am

* Street has unmuted < Bitches > *

Street: heyyyyyyyyyyyyy

Tan: babe it's five am, you okay? 🧐

Street: can you give me a headcount on everyone?? 👉👈

Tan: Deacon and Hondo are on the couch crushing each other, Chris has her feet in Lucas face as she sleeps halfway falling off the couch, Luca looks ready to fight Chris as he's been up for an hour and can't move and then I'm down on the floor with Duke 🥰🥰

Street: so you're all safe?

Tan: all safe and sound!! 💖💖

Street: thank fuck 🙏🙏

Cortez: Jj I'm going to get breakfast with Lynn, I'll be back 😤😤😤

Street: good luck 🫡🫡

Cortez: you owe me for this shit 🖕

Street: anything you want Cortez 🫶🫶

Luca: isn't Lynn your boss??

Street: yeah and she wants me to go talk to her but I won't so Jess is going instead 👍👍

Cortez: for a price 🫵🫵

Tan: can I finally ask what's been going on now?

Street: basically my mom shot her way out of jail then hot-wired a bus and took that halfway to Mexico before ditching it to shoot her way through the boarder 👍

Luca: did you just say she shot her way out of prison? Um- huh? ☄️☄️☄️

Street: she strangled a guard with her bed sheets then got his gun and shot her way to the parking lot where she took a bus 🌚🌚

Tan: a bus? 😃

Street: she made everyone get off but yeah, a bus, like one of the Peter Pan ones 🏄🏄

Hondo: I just woke up but what the actual fuck 🔥🔥🔥

Street: mmmm she took that almost all the way to Mexico but decided to ditch the bus and shoot a boarder patrol officer then jump through the boarders blockers and start booking it into Mexico 🤸‍♂️🤸‍♂️🤸‍♂️

Luca: how the hell did she pull that off?

Street: oh she didn't, I shot her when she was like five feet away from the shot officer 🕺✨🕺✨

Tan: she's dead?🫢🫢

Street: no I just shot her in the shoulder but I was really close to saying fuck it and killing her 🗣🗣

Hondo: so where is Karen now?🧍‍♂️👀

Cortez: she's at a hospital in Mexico and is getting sent back to California for jail 🤝🤝

Street: she killed a lot of cops so she's gonna get the death penalty ✌️✌️

Chris: I don't think that's a thing in California?

Street: then I'm sending her somewhere that it is 👍👍

Tan: can you do that? 🤨🤨

Street: with the bullshit she did, yeah, yeah I can 🙃

Cortez: Lynn's making all of our team get psych evaluations


Cortez: I guess we were all a little too okay with Karen getting killed 👨‍🦯👨‍🦯

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