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Authors note: the way I change streets backstory in every fic I write is honestly a skill at this point 💃💃

< Bitches >
< Saturday
< 7:32 am

Hondo: you in Mexico yet jj?

Street: yup! At the hotel now!!💅💅

Deacon: okay okay I have to ask, how does you being an assassin fit into you working with the FBI??🤨🤨

Street: well I started that job as a teenager and then when I was doing college/my hacking days the FBI contacted me, they thought I knew how was doing the killings just not that it was me🏃🏃🏃🏃🏃

Street: eventually I just told them it was me and they all kinda had to stand there like 🧍‍♂️ because this scrawny ass seventeen year old was murdering people on Tuesday nights

Street: I wouldn't give up my boss unless I avoided all jail time so instead of jail, I became a CI 💃💃

Street: started working at Long Beach to catch a mole in the Long Beach PD which didn't take very long but I stayed there for a year til Buck came to offer me Swat and the FBI got my age wavered since I became really really good at undercover for them 👏👏👏

Street: oh and to answer your question from yesterday- yes I am technically an FBI agent and have a badge, I became an official agent three years ago at twenty four 🤸‍♂️🤸‍♂️🤸‍♂️

Luca: your life is so confusing 🧍‍♂️

Street: I know right 🤪🤪

Tan: how are you both an FBI Agent and a Swat officer??

Street: while I work swat like a 9-5 (daily, main focus) I'll send cases that I think need to be looked more into over to the FBI or they send me stuff to search into👍👍

Street: I'm kinda their tech guy 🏄🏄

Chris: can we backtrack- you were a hacker??🤨🤨🤨

Street: kind of. I did a lot of coding and hacking but not like as a threatening thing, I could get into peoples personal stuff or change things in their accounts. The FBI likes to use me for that a lot 🤸‍♂️🤸‍♂️

Street: I started coding and such at nine so I've just become really really skilled at it🏃🏃

Hondo: and we're you ever going to tell us?😃

Street: eventually but I was waiting til I had certain cases done and closed for good💃💃

Luca: what cases?

Street: FBI cases that you can't know about 🤌🤌

Luca: awe I wanted the tea ☹️

Chris: say that again and I break your hands 👍👍

Deacon: why are you asking Street for tea? We're talking about her being a double agent 🧐🧐

Luca: Deac- no- I'm not explaining this🙄🙄

Hondo: I'll explain it later hun 😌😌

Deacon: okay! But hey- if you're making tea, can I have some Luca? ☺️

Luca: looks like I'm making tea🧍‍♂️

Street: guys Mexico is so fucking HOT OMG 🔥🔥

Tan: hot as in weather or people?🤨🤨

Street: BOTH 👏👏


Chris: which badge 🤨🤨

Street: both duh. My FBI badge is way better though 👨‍🦯👨‍🦯

Hondo: can't believe you hAVE RANK ABOVE ME TF 😃😃

Street: haha yeah I could be above all y'all 🖕🖕

Deacon: I hate to think about that🧍‍♂️

Street: technically I'm above Hicks too 🤌🤌

Tan: 👏what! 👏the! 👏fuck!👏

Chris: how are you above Hicks?😳😳

Street: I have special rank in the FBI not just an agent 💥💥💥

Deacon: didn't you just become an agent?🤨🤨

Street: technically I was one unofficially and I do specialized stuff so instead of starting at the bottom, I'm more of a middle place now, but above Hicks 🤪🤪

Luca: I hate to think about that🥸🥸

Chris: why do you kill people for money if you're a FBI agent? ✋✋✋

Street: basically I check with the FBI before I kill anyone, they kind of pretend to not know and I pretend I don't work for them🤺🤺

Hondo: the FBI hired you as hit man?😃

Street: sorta. I already was one then the FBI picked me up and kinda threw me into being a cop👨‍🦯👨‍🦯

Street: I was planning on only being a hit man 🤸‍♂️

Luca: I live with a hit man that works for the FBI 🧍‍♂️

Street: and we have the best protection of the whole city 💃💃

Tan: what is it? 🤨🤨

Street: ✨me ✨

Deacon: and I can't even say he's not lying 🧍‍♂️

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