239 5 0

< Deac In >
< Thursday
< 12:39 pm

Luca: hey fuckers what'd you do last night? 😑

Tan: got burgers and milkshakes? Why?🤨🤨

Luca: streets all mopey in bed and I don't know why

Hondo: mopey how? Mopey she just lost a job or mopey there's an actual problem? 👀👀

Luca: actual problem

Deacon: shit that's rare🫢

Street: Luca would you GO AWAY and I'm not moping so stop POKING ME 💥💥💥

Cortez: oh you answer him but not me?? Wowwww🙄🙄

Street: all of you fuck off im trying to sleep 🔪🔪

Deacon: it's lunch time? 🧐

Street: and I'm tired go away 🫠🫠

Tan: why are you tired by lunch????

Chris: you do something we don't know about?🔫🔫

Luca: she kicked me in the stomach to get me away 😢

Hondo:  they did ask you nicely 🫡

Street: Hondo come over and come nap with me

Tan: can I come?? 💕💕

Chris: I think you just got left on read tan 😃

Tan: baby? 🥺

Hondo: street I'm not coming over to nap am I? 😔

Street:....no...no you are not..

Cortez: shall I call Lynn up?😶😶

Street: definitely not

Tan: why can't I come? 😤

Street: uhhhhhhhhhhhhh ahahahah uhh reasons

Deacon: omg we already know you kill people what more could you do?? 🤨🤨

Luca: street don't answer that 🙏🙏

Chris: please tell me being an fbi hitman is the only secret you have 🧍‍♂️

Street: it is and this has to do with that so all of you calm down and Luca STOP BANGING ON MY DOOR IM GETTING DRESSED 👹👹👹

Luca: you're lying and I know it 🖕

Street: ah yes lying 👍👍

Luca: I stand corrected 👁👄👁

Tan: concerning??!! ✋✋

Street: he woke me up while I was still in my old clothes and I've changed to something drastically different so I was not lying

Tan: okay but why can't I come help you and Hondo? You never tell me no 🗣🗣

Street: I would bring you along but I'd rather you stay home 🙂

Deacon: that was a vague phone call street 😑😑

Street: tan go to deacons

Tan: why are you being so concerning???💥💥

Street: I'm not trying to be!! I just have a very specific job to do and want you at deacons 👍👍

Chris: you're so cryptic sometimes 🌚🌚

Street: HOW IS THAT CRYPTIC?!? ☄️☄️☄️

Chris: IT IS 🔥🔥

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