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A/n: please let me know what you think of the end, I'm kinda leaning towards that as it'd be fun as hell to write 💅💅💅

< Bitches >
< Monday
< 3:24 am

Street: just got to Japan!!!💃💃💃

Tan: how was the flight love?

Street: could've gone better.........👨‍🦯👨‍🦯

Cortez: most definitely could've gone better 🧍‍♂️

Chris: oh god what happened???

Street: I kinda panicked so bad I threw up and then so did Andrews and Kiki was panicking cause we were panicking and Jones looked ready to kill himself 🏃🏃🏃🏃

Deacon: Jones??? 🤨🤨

Cortez: alright quick run down of our people 🤌
My team: Jones, Kiki, me, Liam, Joey, and Jenny

Streets team: Andrews, Street, Cam, Tai, Tess, and Carlos

Hondo: are you both the captains??🫢🫢

Cortez: yeah!!🤸‍♂️🤸‍♂️

Street: but Carlos helps me a lot since I can't always be there in person 👍👍

Cortez: Kiki is a big helper for me 👏👏

Hondo: pfftttt I could top her 💥💥

Cortez: you can't do tech for the life of you✋✋

Hondo: I stand corrected 🥲

Street: back to the plane ride, yeah it was a mess😶😶😶

Cortez: Joey, Jones and Liam all went to the other side of the plane when the chaos broke out

Street: Tai and Cam were trying to help me but I was very deep in panic attack even with the meds in my system 🫡🫡

Cortez: poor fucking Jenny was trying to get Andrews to the bathroom 😭😭😭

Street: for real he was crying and apologizing while dry heaving 👏👏

Cortez: then me, Tess, Carlos and Kiki had to clean up everything once Streets was squared away in the bathroom with Andrews and Jenny 💅💅💅

Street: Tai and Jenny were fr fr saving my life while Cam cleaned up Andrews 🙏🙏

Tan: sounds eventful 👁👄👁

Street: that was only the first three hours 🤸‍♂️

Luca: do we wanna hear the rest???😳😳

Street: Cortez will have to tell you as I had melatonin forced down my throat and passed out against the wall 🤌🤌

Cortez: Tai and Cam are dating just so you know, they fell asleep on the couch til Andrews woke them up by crushing them full force💃💃

Cortez: everyone else kinda did their own thing and just let Jenny herd the sleeping or sick people around 👍👍👍

Street: she's such a mom 💖💖

Deacon: but everyone's fine now???🤨🤨

Cortez: oh yeah we're all great!!! 🫡🫡

Luca: okay guys, it's three am shut THE FUCK UP IM EXHAUSTED 💥💥💥


Tan: not our fault you guys fucked that hard last night 🤭🤭


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