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< Faggots & Whores & Sluts >
< Tuesday
< 1:27 pm

Hondo: we have to change the name of this chat I'm worried hicks will see 🧍‍♂️

Cortez: why would he see?? Aren't you doing training like y'all are supposed to???🤨🤨

Hondo: I am and so is everyone else but Hicks is here for some reason

Street: oh he's just here to help me get the computer system set up 💃💃

Tan: whys he helping you with that?👀👀

Street: it's just an excuse to make sure he knows how to use them💪💪

Luca: smart 💅💅

Chris: we do not need him to be on an FBI case and not know what he's doing 🙄🙄

Street: it won't happen and if it ever does, me or Jess can take over 👍👍

Cortez: how's the building of our new Hq coming??

Street: we get to stay in California!! Lynn just called 🤸‍♂️🤸‍♂️

Tan: fuck yeah cali!!!🏄🏄🏄🏄

Deacon: does that mean your teams are moving here?

Street: yeahhhhh that's gonna be annoying to explain to them🏌🏼‍♂️🏌🏼‍♂️

Luca: are they gonna be okay with it??

Street: oh no doubt! It's just going to be annoying to explain that "hey remember how me and Jess worked swat? Well we got our old swat team to be an FBI team and now you all have to move to California since we have a new Hq being built" 🥲🥲

Chris: kinda lengthy tbh ✋✋

Street: then you do it 🖕

Chris: I take it back🫶🫶

Cortez: my team already knows 🤩🤩

Street: oh yeah how'd you tell them?

Cortez: I didn't, Lynn did 💅💅


Cortez: GET FUCKED 💃💃💃

Deacon: can't you just make Lynn tell streets team too?

Street: hold on let me call her

Cortez: I doubt she'll do it, telling mine was a shit show cause Kiki just bought a house and Joey was about to put a payment down on a new apartment 👨‍🦯👨‍🦯


Cortez: LYNN WHAT THE HELL!!! ⚱️⚱️⚱️

Street: she said it would only be fair since she told your team so HA ⚰️⚰️⚰️

Tan: I still don't see how this is a competition 😶😶

Hondo: everything's a competition with them😑

Deacon: they started getting competitive about who could wash more dishes the other night🙄

Luca: is that where Jj was last night???? I thought they went to Tans

Tan: no I was at the gym with my brother 👌

Hondo: Jj came over for dinner with me, jess and Deac in👍👍

Chris: who the hell is "Deac in" 🧍‍♂️



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