Chapter 1 | Those Dark Orbs

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Like every other day she was working late. She looked around the office. Almost everyone was gone.

I wish i too had a work life balance. Nope. You can't y/n. What will you do after going back home early. Nobody is waiting for you. You have nothing to do in your life other than working and sleeping. So don't even think about a work life balance. As if you have anything to do other than coding some random shit in your laptop.

She was working as a programmer in one of the MNC in Seoul. Its been almost three months since she shifted to Korea from her hometown. Seoul was her dream destination.

Of course you know why. BTS. Yes i was really happy when i found out there was a vacancy in Seoul branch. So i just applied and with my three years of experience in the same company it was somewhat easy to crack the interview. But there was some financial issues since i have to move to one of the richest country.

Everything here was two times expensive than her hometown.  Her company helped to get an apartment. But it was expensive. She had to find another place to stay. One of her colleague helped her to find a house. An old couple in her neighbourhood was looking for someone to give the upper floor for rent. It was not a luxury apartment but to y/n considering where she was grown, that was more than she can dream.

She opened the gate. It was almost 9. She climbed the staircase. Entered her password on the door, turned on the lights of the hall and gone straight to the kitchen. She checked for the groceries . There was a convenience store just around the corner. So it was easy for her to buy groceries and other things. She went to her room and started to prepare for the night.

After dinner as usual she called her mother. As usual she was asking y/n to resign and come back. She was not at all happy when y/n told her that she got transferred to Seoul. But this was her dream. Moving to South Korea, to go to BTS Concert once. She couldn't just leave everything now.

After saying goodnight to her mother she got on to my bed and started scrolling her Instagram. Everyone was either getting married or getting another child. She was viewing all the stories and stopped when she saw him with her.

Ugh. I should have slept. Why did i opened Insta. Looks like he is happy. Ok. That's good. Everyone should be happy. Where exactly are they. Are they engaged? No. I don't think so. Whatever. He has left for good.

She had a relationship in her college days. It was that true love thing. Atleast that was what she thought. As time goes on they were getting more close to each other but she denied to get intimate with him because she was not ready. In the starting of the final year she noticed he was getting distant. He started to avoid her texts and calls and started seeing a girl behind her back. That's when pandemic struck and her final year was done in lockdown. Somehow she graduated from student to unemployed stage.

That's when she got to know about BTS. Their music was something that made her to love herself and think about her life. She started to search for jobs and got this job. After started working somehow her ex started getting into small chat. He apologized to her. Of course she again believed him. She thought he was genuinely sorry for leaving her. He visited her frequently and they started getting closer again. But still she was not feeling those butterflies people were talking about. He was still having relationship with that girl and she caught him sexting her. To her it was not surprising. Something in her was already expecting this. That's when she decided to build a wall around her heart.

After that  she started getting more workaholic, started avoiding social contact. She just wanted her family to be happy and wished to go to BTS Concert once. Nothing else mattered to her.

"Oh God i should get some sleep"

One week later....

It was a Tuesday Afternoon. As usual she was busy working with the new project assigned to her. Her friend jiuen came out of nowhere and started bugging her to hangout out with the team in the weekend.

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