Chapter 47 | The Party

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"Ah Fuck!!" Taehyung muttered under his breath seeing the person at the door. He covered his face in frustration and turned away.

"Sorry to bother you guys but can i borrow my sister for like ...5 minutes maybe." Isabella looked at Taehyung who was facing away from her.

"It's a bit urgent." She added.

"No. We are in the middle of something urgent..." "Yes. Let's go." Taehyung's words were cut off by Y/n's.

"Alpha, you were getting ready to go somewhere. We'll continue once you are back. Also I'll arrange for a new suit for the wedding. Keep your schedule free for next week." She said and rushed out with Isabella leaving behind a glaring Taehyung.

"This better be really really urgent Isa." Y/n whispered on the way with Isa to her bedroom.

"It is my dear. You look like you just came out of a sauna. You're sweating girl."

"It's the weather." Y/n replied. blood creeping on her cheeks.

"Oh so that's what the 'We are in the middle of something urgent' Mr. Kim was implying." Isabella snickered.

"Isa it's not funny. He is pissed."

"Obviously. I just cockblocked him."

"Ommo..Ommo. Isabella for god's sake, he is my husband. Don't talk about him like that. This girl is going to get me into trouble one day." Y/n whispered.

"Why are you whispering?"

"Because he can hear us."

"Who? Your Mr. Husband? He is in the upstairs on third floor." Isabella said.

"No he ca..." Y/n facepalmed herself for blurting out.

"What?" Isabella asked trying hard to control her laugh.

"Nothing. What is the urgent matter?" Y/n opened the door to Isa's room and looked around.

"I send my resume to The Kang's two days back and they have contacted me." Isa said.

"That's good. What did they say?" Y/n asked. Her eyes glistened with excitement.

"I got in. They said to join from next week but since i had to wrap up everything from my current hospital, i said i will join by the end of this month and they complied."

"Congratz Isabella Harper. That's a great news." Y/n hugged Isa.

"So...i'll be going back this week." Isa said softly.

"No no no. You can't miss the wedding. You can go back after that. I'll tell him to arrange a private jet for your travel." Y/n said holding her hands.

"I'm not invited sis." She shrugged.

"Yes you are. You'll attend for sure. I'll personally look into your outfits for the event." Y/n said beaming with happiness.

"I'll think of it. Now go back and continue whatever dirty acts you guys were upto." Isabella shooed with her hand.

"This shameless girl. He might have left. Let's watch a movie. Come on."



Y/n flinched sensing a hand creeping on her waist.

"God!! You scared me. I didn't noticed you coming in." She said and turned around. His hands still curled around her waist. She was standing in the balcony of her room sipping juice after dinner.

"I was not sneaking around. You were lost in your thoughts and missed to notice my presence. You are so careless of your surroundings Mrs. Kim"

"I was thinking about Isa. I had suggested her to apply to The Kang's Hospital. She did and got in. She will be going back this week to wrap everything in UK and join by last of this month."

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