Chapter 40 | The Seal

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"Anything yet?" Taehyung asked.

"No hyung. We are still searching. It's very hard to find her since she is moving fast. It's like she doesn't want to be found." Yeonjun said.

"God mother always tells us she will be there when we need her. Then why is she  not here when we need her the most." Taehyung lighted the cigarette.

"It's the fourth one in last one hour hyung. You should quit smoking. It's not like you will have any side effects, but it's not good for Luna." Yeonjun's concern was evident on his words.

"That's why i'm smoking in the forest right now. It will keep my head off from thinking too much." Taehyung said.

"Tae, he is right. You should quit." Yoongi said.

"Hyung it's been almost one month and we haven't even gotten a lead on her location. All we know is she is not in Korea. Y/n's condition is worsening by each day. You saw her right? I can't see her like this. I feel guilty. Guilty because i should have told the truth about Snow and made them to bond. It hurts hyung. I can feel it through the bond yet she smiles like everything's fine." Taehyung threw the cigarette away angrily.

"The portions from Miss Rose is helping her heal a bit even if it's not that much. It's a matter of time until they will figure out something. They are trying their best to help us. Don't lose hope. Witchcraft is powerful. They can both kill a werewolf or bring it back to life. We need to trust them. We don't have any other choice, do we?" Yoongi said.

Yoongi was right. They didn't had any other choice except seeking the help of witches. The Alpha wolves had been visiting the Mid Night frequently since they are worried about Y/n's condition and they were very well aware of the consequences, if something bad happens. Taehyung is almost at the verge of going rogue. The only thing which is keeping him insane is her.

"We all know that we have another choice or are we just pretending like we are not aware of it?" Jimin blurted out. Taehyung's glaring red eyes was enough for Jimin to get the answer for his question.

"Don't glare at him Tae. We need to consider that as our backup plan if something goes south." Namjoon said.

"What? Really? I can't believe this. We need to save her and also try not to destroy the world in the process. So it will be wise to not even think of that so called backup plan" Hoseok said.

"It is of great risk. but it is the only plan that will definitely help her to heal." Jimin said.

"Yeah, by putting everyone's life on edge. What in the 'try not to destroy the world in the process' part did you not understand." Hoseok argued.

"But.." Jimin's words were cut off by Seokjin.

"What if he asks something valuable in return for his blood by the law? By knowing him, he will most probably ask for his freedom. " Seokjin said.

"Taehyung should be the one answering this question." Namjoon said.

"I. WILL. NOT. I don't have any fucking intention to go to that cunt for help. If our last resort is some hybrid blood then i know what to do." Tarhyung's eyes glowed.

"KIM TAEHYUNG. We have already lost a brother. We will not let that happen twice. Don't even think about it." Namjoon said.

"He is getting blinded. You are acting like the one whom you despise the most now." Jimin said.

"That's enough. He is a mated Alpha Wolf and his mate is pregnant. He will do anything to protect her. It's not his fault. Don't forget that we all are part Wolf. Wolves don't care about the world burning in flames unless it affects his loved ones. I can't believe we are arguing on this like some drunk teenagers." Seokjin said.

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