Chapter 28 | The Beginning

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"Yeonjunah, I'm fine. Don't worry." She said holding on to her stomach.

Yeonjun felt her temperature increasing rapidly.

"Let me first get you to bed. Come on. God your scent is getting powerful. We need to secure the perimeter. You will attract unwanted attention." He said and took her bridal style and hurried to upstairs.

"Alpha said this area was far away from rogue territory." She said.

"Luna, It's not the rogues i'm worried about. It's worse than that." He said and laid her on the bed.

"Let me just put on the AC. You are already sweating." He put on the AC and started to reduce the temperature drastically.

"You will feel some relief now. Let me mindlink Alpha.....Holy shit!" He said and ran towards the balcony.

"What is it?" She asked through her muffled cries.

"The worst part i mentioned earlier. Whatever happens never step out of this room. Lock it from the inside. Don't open unless it's Alpha who calls you. He will be here soon." Yeonjun said and locked all the windows and balcony and asked her to lock the door.

He ran to the hall.

!!Alpha. It's Luna. She is on...!! Yeonjun mindlinked.

!!I know. I'm already half the way.!! Taehyung said.

!!We have got an issue here. I can smell pack wolves. Allies!! He said.

!!Its a planned attack. Ji Han. I should have doubted when he left the meeting way too early. I'm already being followed. How Pathetic. They think they can stop an Alpha on Rut. Yeonjunah, Whatever crosses the fence kill it!! Taehyung said and stopped the car and got outside.

The cars which followed him also stopped and the wolves got outside and transformed.

"I can kill you fools with my barehands." His eyes glowed red and his nails extended. His demonic Aura made them to step back a little but they were tied to obey the command of their Alpha.


The front yard of the farm house was now pooled with blood. Y/n felt the heat pulsing through her veins. Her core begging for Taehyung's touch. Each wave of pain hit her more harder than the previous one and waited for a few minutes to hit her with the other. The pain was too much than she anticipated and it increased each time passing by.

She could hear the growling from the outside of the window that meant the enemies have already reached the doorstep. She slowly moved toward the window and slightly opened it and her eyes met with a red eyes.

"An Alpha?" She whispered to herself. She could see that Yeonjun was fighting hard. But the Alpha was too strong. Even if he was the best fighter among the pack wolves he is still a Beta. It takes a lot to defeat an Alpha.

The Alpha clawed on the left abdomen of Yeonjun's wolf which made him to howl in pain.

Guilt washed over Y/n's face. She is the only one who can stop this. She is the only one who can save Yeonjun. She is the Luna. All she have to do is to take care and protect the pack. She took a deep breath and made up her mind. The waves of pain made her steps sloppy but still she managed to took out the Jade Spear from the wardrobe. She walked towards the door and opened it. She tried her best to ignore the pain shooting through her veins. She walked down the stairs and reached the front door. It was already broken and there where claw marks on it. Yeonjun was still fighting with his last breath. But everything stopped when her scent hit on them.

Yeonjun tried to run towards her but he was tackled by the Alpha wolf.

"That's enough. Myself the Luna of
Mid Night Pack challenge you for a fight till death." She looked at the Alpha wolf standing five feet away from her.

"Luna this is dangerous. Call off the challenge." Yeonjun transformed and said.

"No. No one will get in my way. This is my command." She closed her eyes tightly when the wave of pain hit her. But still she managed to endure it.

Alpha Ji Han transformed and walked towards her. Yeonjun transformed back and growled at him but was stopped by Y/n.

"Now i know why Taehyung is so determined to hide you from the rest of the world. Your scent. Damn i had never in my life smelled something this savoury. Is it because of your heat?" He circled Y/n. He was all naked which disgusted her and not to even take a glance at him.

"Nah! This is not the heat right? This is your natural scent. At last i found you, the mythical White Wolf." He laughed maniacally.

Y/n was not clear about what he said and her pain made her to ignore his useless talk.

"You have no idea what all have i done to find you. I have searched the whole world and look where i found you. Right under my nose. But sadly you are bonded with Taehyung but not mated or else he would have been here now. Taehyung is still busy with killing the wolves i have sent. I know nobody can defeat him not even me but all i needed was time. I accept your challenge and if you lose i will mate with you and make you mine before the sunrise. God your scent is making me dizzy. I'm trying so hard to hold myself down." He said and moved closer to her.

Before he could touch her Yeonjun's wolf tackled him. But he pushed his hands with nails right through Yeonjun's heart to pull it out.

The scene was too much for her to handle. The Alpha was plucking Yeonjun's heart out. Yeonjun's wolf was howling with pain. Blood was oozing out of the wound and something in her snapped.


Taehyung has already wiped out most of the wolves. He was now fighting with the remaining four. Suddenly he felt a change in the nature. They all felt it. It looked like the wind had stopped. Trees were all still. There was this eerie silence which made them to sense a danger. They all looked around. Taehyung was utterly confused. He composed himself and looked back at the wolves to kill them. But they all looked at the moon and howled. They transformed back into humans and plucked their own heart out with their hands and died. Taehyung blinked at the scene infront of him. He couldn't believe his eyes.

"What the fuck is going on?" He looked around and ran towards his car to get to the farm house.


All the enemy wolves were now on the ground with their hearts on their own palms.

Ji Han laughed at looking at the massacre in front of him. Everyone looked at him like he has gone crazy.

"So the Legend is true. White wolf can control the minds of werewolves. The power she holds is limitless and these fools who have no idea about it has kept her in cage. She must be with someone who at least knows what she is. She must be with me, by my side." He said and looked at her.

Her eyes glowed deep red and her long black nails shined in the moon light. Visible white strands decorated her long dark hair. Jade Spear shined like it was ready to drink blood.

Everyone looked at her in shock. Yeonjun was looking at her with his wide eyes.

"Come with me. Be my mate. Leave these fools who couldn't protect you. I'll help you to harness your full power. Together we can rule all the realms." Ji Han walked towards her and stretched his arms for her.

Her grasp on the Spear tightened. In a swift motion she cut down his extended arms with the spear. Ji Han groaned in pain.

"You won't go down that easily right? Bitch!" He transformed and growled. But his movements were sloppy because of his missing one foot. He lounged at her with his all might but was pushed down by her. She was so elegant with the spear. He tried his best to elope her attacks but failed miserably. She was more faster and ahead of his steps. She pierced the spear through his heart and he transformed back. She pierced deeply again and he groaned in pain. Blood oozed out of his mouth. He looked at her with his last breath.

"This not the...end...Others will...come for you...soon....Your powers....are your curse....This is only....THE BEGINNING..."

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