Chapter 17 | I'm Your's

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She was about to stop him but stopped after hearing a voice.

!!Don't fall for his tricks!!

The voice inside her spoke loud and clear. That is what she should do. But she couldn't. She can never watch someone getting hurt because of her. Her heart pained watching him hurt. She doesn't know what was going on with her.

Protect your Alpha

That is what Nature want's her to do. He is her's and she is his. Mate's should protect and care each other. The moment she entered into his territory she has become his. She was unknowingly taking care of him when he was unconscious. The mate bond was growing stronger between them.

"Ahh" He was getting closer towards his death.

"Stop it please." She begged.

She ran towards him and hugged him.

"You can't leave me. You said I'm your mate and now you are going to leave me here alone to rot in this Bloody world. How can you give up this easily on me?"

"I'm not giving up on you love. I'm giving up on myself. I have been suffering for too long. I thought there will be an end to this. But no. It's eternal. Let me die. You will be free. You can be with Yoongi Hyu.."

"No. I'm yours Alpha. Only your's."

Lightning and thunder struck the earth. The calm weather suddenly changed. Heavy rain started to pour everywhere. The Nature warned all the living creatures about the coming chaos. The words he have been waiting for a decades. She has given her concern. She have no idea the power those words hold. The mate bond forced her to say that. It was not her real feelings. The bond played with her emotions. Those words. She will never be able to retrieve it. Now he owns every inch of her. She will be His, only his to cherish, only his to love, only his to touch, only his to taste, and only his to hurt. No one can stop him from claiming her. Not even her.

He took out his bloody hands and hugged her. She hugged him back and cried on his shoulders. She pushed him a little and looked for any wounds on his chest. It was healed. Not even a single scratch was seen. It was blood everywhere and it was suffocating for her. He picked her up bridal style and moved towards the washroom. It was big like a master bedroom of an apartment with an indoor pool and walk in closet. He placed her on the vanity. His blood was all over her dress and skin. He seemed to doze off a little. Then she understood that he is mindlinking someone.

"I have called maids to clean up the mess. They will be here to help you to get cleaned up. Get dressed and wait for me in bed. I have some important things to attend to. Namjoon Hyung anf Taehyungie Hyung are here. I need to meet and greet them. I will be back quickly."

He gave her a forehead kiss and left. She sat there processing everything happened not so long ago. Why did she said those words. Why did she care about him. He is a monster. Why is she feeling like this?

"Luna can i come inside?" A knock was heard from outside.


A middle aged woman and a small girl dressed up in maid's uniform entered the washroom and bowed.

"We will ready the bath for you Luna."

They started to prepare the bath. She just followed what the woman said.

"You speak english well" Y/n said.

"When i was a kid i was sold to the foreigners by my step father. They used me as a breeder in Rogue pack. Alpha Jeon defeated the Rogue pack on one of his foreign mission and bought us all home and took in his pack. Everyone here will have a tragic past from which they have been helped by the Alpha. Back then he was a kid helping everyone in need with his raw power. Now those powers are eating him inside and we can't help him in any way. We all are relieved once we heard the news about your arrival Luna. We all have been waiting so long for your arrival." She said bowing.

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