Chapter 44 | Her Memories

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"Muffin!! You okay?" Taehyung came running inside the room. There was blood patches and dirt all over his t-shirt because of the hunting. Y/n was sitting on the bed.

"Nothing to worry about. It's just i was feeling tired." She said.

"Then you should take in my blood. See your dark circles are back and you seem to lost some weight. Let me clean up first" He walked into the washroom and closed the door. After a few seconds Y/n heard the sound of water running from shower. She released the breath she was holding all the time. His presence always intimidated her for some reason.

After sometime he came out of the closet wearing sweatpants and a t-shirt. He sat near her on the bed and dozed off looking outside the window.

"To whom are you talking to? this time?" She asked sensing his sudden dozing.

"I was asking the delta about the Doctor." He said.

"Doctor? Did anyone got hurt during hunting?" She asked in concern.

"No Love. It's for the blood transfusion. I have already informed the delta to go and pick up the doctor."

"No need of it. You can feed me from your veins right? I've heard of vampires doing it. No need of disturbing someone else at this hour. Tell the delta to come back." She said firmly.


"Don't make me furious." She said. He mindlinked the delta to come back.

"I can feed you but there is something you need to know about a hybrid's blood. Have you heard about the narcotic powers of vampire blood?" He asked holding her hands in his.

"Yes. It dulls the senses. Also these powers are mild in the normal vampire's blood. Only high born's blood will have the deadly amount." She said remembering the things she read about the vampires.

"True. But for a hybrid it will be worse. A drop of my blood will make you high. Last time you were unconscious during the transfusion and the doctor injected something to cutoff the effect. I called the doctor so that he can do the same and put you in sleep so that i can transfer my blood without worrying about anything." He said.

"I've been through worse. This is nothing i can't handle." She said.

"Y/n listen.."

"No, I don't want to hear anything."

"You know i can hypnotise you and change your mind."

"then this will be the last time you will hear my voice."

He huffed giving up. He stood up and removed his t-shirt.

"Close your eyes and don't open till i tell you so." He said.

"Why? It's nothing i haven't seen before." She smirked.

"Don't tempt me to make use of that pretty little mouth for something else. Close. your. eyes." He commanded in a dominating voice. Her eyes closed involuntarily. He walked into the closet and came out with one of his tie.

"Really? You don't trust me?" She asked while he covered her eyes with the tie.

"The moment my blood gets to your brain you will forget everything." He whispered and got away from her.

His nails elongated and his wings started to come out. He transformed himself to his fullest and his hybrid eyes glowed. He took her to the couch and made her to sit on his lap. He bit on his wrist and made a deep wound to reduce it from healing fast.

"Bite and suck. I have made a wound." He placed his wrist near to her lips. But she moved his hand away and slid one of her sleeves, positioned herself infront of him showing her back, moved her hairs from the shoulder bearing her marked neck to him. His hold on her waist tightened a bit.

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