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You and Takemichi stood in front of Mitsuya's school, he had called Takemichi but you gave him a ride since you both had left school at the same time "He sure is taking his time..." You nodded "Hey Takemitchy!" You and Takemichi turned and looked at Peh-yan, while Takemichi stared at the other guy's back you simply followed him while ignoring whatever they were talking about 'Why am I still here? Oh right, I was bored...' The three of us stopped in front of a club room and Peh-yan muttered something about not standing a a certain girl.

The door opened and a girl that had her black hair in two braids started scolding Peh-yan 'slay I guess?' "Are you here to cheat the club president out of his time again?!" You noticed how uncomfortably Peh looked and decided to step up so with a smile you grabbed both of the black haired girl's hands "Hello, were sorry for the inconvenience but, Mitsuya-kun called us here and-" You you thought back on the name she had called him "Hayashi-san was just showing us the way" You watched with amusement as she looked at you surprised before turning to Peh and then nodding "Oh- I see" 

"What's goin' on?" You guys turned to the masculine voice and saw Mitsuya "Ah- leader, it's Haya- uhm, Hayashi-kun brought some people?" You let go of her hands and she stepped aside "Hey Takemitchy, and... [Name]?" You made a peace sign "Me and Hanagaki go to the same school so I gave him a ride" He nodded "come in" you three stood aside while Mitsuya helped around the club 'He would be a good husband' you tilted your head "Why did he call me here..." you gave Takemichi a side glance "Probably to give you your uniform" he turned to you "What?" Peh-yan turned to Takemichi "You better appreciate it, Mitsuya has personally worked on yours" 

"You are the only person besides the founding members who got a uniform made by him, right Mitsuya?" You looked at Mitsuya "For us, our most formal wear is our gang uniform... This is my way of thanking Takemitchy, for saving Draken" your eyebrows furrowed a bit 'I protected them' "And for snapping us back to our senses during the bloody Halloween" your mouth formed a straight line 'I saved Baji' "So I wanted to make damn sure... That I'd be the one who made your uniform" Mitsuya sneaked you a glance as you left, stopping only for a moment to say bye to the girl you had seen before.

⊹ ⋆゚꒰ఎ ♡ ໒꒱ ⋆゚⊹

You huffed as you hoped on your bike "What a waste of time" you frowned at the headache you felt as you drove off 'I think I forgot something...' You almost crashed on a wall as you remembered the dream you had of Kazutora and Baji dying 'Oh right... I wanted to tell Hanagaki about the dream...' You stopped your bike in front of a Ramen shop and got off of it 'I feel so tired... What's the point in helping them if they will only thank Hanagaki...' You thoughts went to Hinata and you frowned "Whatever" 

You rubbed your eye as you walked into the ramen shop, unaware that you had gotten the attention of someone "Can you give me the spiciest ramen you have?" The man behind the counter let out a boisterous laugh "Sure little lady, take a seat and I'll give you your ramen once it's ready" you nodded and sat on a corner that was away from everyone else, except two guys that look exactly like each other except for their color palettes that looked opposite.

The guy that was behind the counter gave you the ramen and said it's name before leaving, you simply thanked him and started eating as if it wasn't the spiciest thing they served, the blue one stared at you with wide eyes and pulled the one with peach colored hair "Oi aren't you Enkonomyia?" You looked at them and nodded while you ate "Nahoya!" "What? She's in our division what's the problem" "she's eating I just wanted you to see her" Nahoya or Smiley, had his eyes open and the way he just stared at you blankly was starting to freak you out so you just ignored them and ate faster.

You got up, catching the attention of the twins who watched as you returned the empty bowl of noodles and paid the man behind the counter before leaving "Eat faster Souya, I want her number!" "what..."

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It was now time for the meeting, you watched with a bored expression as the delinquents made way for Takemichi and looked at him if he was a hero 'I hate this...' You ignored whatever they talked about as you scowled at Takemichi 'Why am I even here, I was only paid to help against Valhalla after all' you stood at the of the sea of delinquents, in the shadows... Like always, you looked behind you, you looked at Yato, he was the only one who didn't treat Takemichi as if he was a hero, you turned around and left the meeting place, you would come back once it had ended to leave Toman.

Yato was about to follow you when he saw Hanma behind Mikey 'What is he doing here?!' He looked at your retreating back before looking back at Hanma 'I'll stay and tell her what happened after' the corners of Hanma's lips twitched up when he noticed you leaving 'There you are' Sanzu was looking for you since the meeting started and once he spotted you leaving he had to hold himself back from following, Chifuyu and Takemichi watched with confusion as you left.

⊹ ⋆゚꒰ఎ ♡ ໒꒱ ⋆゚⊹

Mc is emotional- ahem, more feels next chapter🤙

Fun fact: Yuelan always thought Yato wouldn't give her grandchildren because he avoids girls since he's scared of accidentally making girls sad or hurting them.

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