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"Are you sure about that?" Takemichi looked at Mitsuya who had also gotten up "Were only here because we chose to break the peace agreement between Toman and the black dragons, what would Mikey think of that?" As soon as Mitsuya finished the door opened and Mikey stepped in with a smile "Merry Christmas, what are you guys on a day like this?" He grinned.

Mikey's grin vanished as he saw Taiju, Kokonoi, and Inui "The black dragons?" Mitsuya bowed "Mikey, I'm sorry, this is all my fault I broke the peace agreement I'd make with my own irresponsibility" You looked at Mitsuya "Were fighting them now, as you can see" he looked at everyone in the room "You're fighting these three guys, right?" He started walking but Taiju stepped in front of him "So you're the "invincible Mikey" huh?" "Why are you standing in my way?" Taiju's grin turned into a confused glare "Huh?" "I just wanna ride with the guys again"

You furrowed your eyebrows as you stared at Mikey's back 'What is he going to do?' your eyes widened as Taiju punched Mikey, you ran and kicked Taiju away as he got up, that sent him flying back and you kneeled beside Mikey who was passed out.

The noises around you sent you into a panic as the guys around you screamed and the bell chimed, Taiju's voice was what stood out the most, you touched Mikey's forehead and he held your hand "I'm okay" You watched with wide eyes as he stood up "Prayer time's over"

"Just give it up, Manjiro Sano, The boss is on a whole different level than you" You looked at the scarred blonde "You're just a pebble in the face of his military power" you pointed at him "Oi, be quiet blondie this is between Mikey and Taiju!" Inui took a step back and Kokonoi raised an eyebrow at him "If you keep talking shit I'll make you shut up myself!" Fuyuhiko crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow 'Why is she talking Mikey? I feel like something happened and she didn't tell me'

Taiju grinned "I just hit you with the best punch I've thrown today, guess it'll take more than one hit to shut you up" Takemichi looked panicked "Is this all the invincible Mikey is made of?!How disappointing" He grinned "that hit I took from you was me punishing myself" Taiju's grin vanished "Huh?" Mikey delivered a single kick to Taiju's head, that kick knocked him down instantly 'The power he holds... It's always kinda scary seeing it from up close' 

"Huh?" Mikey stared down at the passed out Taiju "Boss?" Kokonoi spoke up only to receive silence, you looked at the remaining Black dragons members who were still standing and held back a laugh when you saw the faces they were making "Boss!!" Inui yelled "Bullshit! Taiju, taken down in one hit...?" Kokonoi gulped "So that's the invincible Mikey"

"He just one-shot him" Hakkai finally spoke up "That was awesome Mikey-kun!!" Chifuyu grinned "What a beast" Yuzuha's voice was a refreshing sound after having to listen to all these guys for hours "You had me going for a minute there" Mitsuya grinned.

"I decided to go riding with Baji and my brother every Christmas" You looked at the door and saw Baji peeking inside before motioning for you to be quiet "Mikey-kun..." Mikey pulled something from inside of his shirt and showed it to Takemichi, you were behind Mikey so you couldn't see what it was.

"All right guys, Christmas might be over but let's ride!" He turned to the door with a smile and as you stepped to the side he grabbed your hand "You too!" "Eh??" You blinked in confusion "These two are your friends right? Call them too" "Ah, right" you turned to Fuyuhiko and Yato and motioned for them to come with your head.

Before anyone beside you and Mikey could move Taiju stood up with Inui's help "THE FUCK YOU THINK YOU'RE GOING?!" He yelled "THIS ISN'T OVER YET, TOMAN!!" He looked at Kokonoi "KOKO CALL OUR SOLDIERS INSIDE, WE'LL PIT 100 OF OUR BEST MEN AGAINST THEM!!" He grinned crazily "I WON'T LET ANY OF YOU LEAVE, THIS ENDS HERE! I WONT LOSE TO ANYONE YOU BASTARDS!!"

"Taiju..." You looked at Mikey "The Black dragons are strong but they can't create a new age" Taiju's grin vanished as he gritted his teeth "You're strong but you've got no heart" You stared at Mikey in silence "Were going to create a new age, so sit back and watch" Taiju glared at Mikey "HEY KOKO, THE HELL ARE YOU WAITING FOR?! WHERE ARE MY SOLDIERS?!" Kokonoi who was at the door stood in silence "Boss... We've lost" Taiju pushed Inui away "Let me go Inui!" He fell on the floor and crawled to the door"

You smirked as Taiju sat there on his knees "Huh? What happened here?" Baji walked into the church "Baji-san!" Chifuyu grinned "Hey Mikey, Draken and I are done" he smirked and Draken stepped in "We stomped all the dudes outside, Taiju Shiba lost to you and all his soldiers are defeated, his will to fight is gone" Mikey closed his eyes and smiled "yup" Yuzuha and the guys in Toman rushed outside while Yato and Fuyuhiko stood behind you.

"The Black dragons are dead!" Mikey let go of your hand and stepped outside with the rest of Toman and Yuzuha "Toman wins!"

"Are you okay [Nickname]?" Fuyuhiko put a hand on your shoulder and you nodded "Shouldn't you two be spending the Christmas night with your families?" Fuyuhiko sighed "My brother had work so we spent the day together" Yato chuckled "Zack goes to bed early and mom wanted me to spend the rest of Christmas with my friends" 

"Ah... Sorry about that" He tilted his head "Why are you apologizing? You two are my friends!" "Eh" "Eh?" Yato grinned and pulled you two into a hug "Hey, hey, hey! Let me go Yato" you chuckled as Fuyuhiko tried to push him away "Come on Hiko~ live a little!" You sneaked your arms around Fuyuhiko's waist and helped Yato "Ahh this isn't fair! It's two against one!" 

When the three of you stepped outside everyone had left already, the only one left there was Taiju, you glanced at him but only stopped when you were on the last step of the staircase "You know Taiju... I wanted to kill you" you turned your head back to look at him "And I would have, if only there wasn't so much people around... And if these two didn't show up" you deadpanned when Yato grinned and made a peace sign with his fingers "Whatever I'm leaving" 

Fuyuhiko ran to his car and Yato looked unsure for a moment before turning to you with a smile "Hey [Name] can you give me a ride?" "No she can't!" You three turned to the church only to see Baji "I told my mom I would be sleeping in a friend's house so I'll go home with her" '...Bitch doesn't even ask-' "Get in the car Yato!" Fuyuhiko grinned at the sulking blonde.

⊹ ⋆゚꒰ఎ ♡ ໒꒱ ⋆゚⊹

Finally we reached the end! Also do you guys remember the especial chapter "Futures"? So, one of those is canon to the book, the Manila Mikey future but I cut off before the important part could happen :]

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