Angels and Devils (hueningkai, txt)

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Inspired by the song "Angel or Devil" by Tomorrow X Together.


I don't know what to do.

There's this one girl in my grade, her name's Emily, and I've had a crush on her for YEARS. It's been here since sixth grade in middle school, and still now as a sophomore in high school. 

I got her number in eighth grade, and we became friends, but I've been way too scared to act on my feelings, and now it's been two years. Wahoo.

Homecoming is in three weeks. I didn't go last year since I, sadly, got sick, but this year I'm gonna take her with me, but only if I can get the courage to ask her. At lunch, she usually sits at a table close to me and my friends, so this is an opportunity, right?

"C'mon, dude, just go up to her and ask, what the hell are you waiting for?" asked Yeonjun.

"She's literally right there, for fuck's sake," said Taehyun, "Just go up, ask 'hey, wanna go to homecoming with me?' It's so ridiculously easy!"

This may sound weird, but if I could name the biggest goody two-shoe in the school, I wouldn't be able to, because these two guys would be fighting over the No.1 spot. Yeonjun, a senior, and Taehyun, a sophomore like me, are liked by almost every teacher in the school. They've never got detention ever, and on top of that, their grades are exceptional. One thing about them, though, is they're not afraid to speak their minds, and can be a bit profane. In moderation, of course.

You could say a bad boy personality without the actually bad boy actions.

"Should I?" I asked, looking over at Emily. Gosh, she's so pretty...

While Jun and Tae nodded vigorously, my two other friends were shaking their heads.

"Don't do it just yet," Soobin said, "Take it slow. You don't wanna scare her off."

"You don't need to confront her now. Homecoming's in three weeks, you have time." Beomgyu nodded his head wisely. "Don't scare her."

If Taehyun and Yeonjun are devils in an angel's disguise, then Soobin and Beomgyu are the opposite: angels in a devil's disguise. The senior and the junior are notorious for being the school's biggest troublemakers and rebels, getting detention almost every minute of every day. They seem like a bad influence, but they're actually the nicest guys ever. They're generous, kind, and great role models

Well, when they're not raging havoc. Good boys with bad boy actions.

"Beom, shut up, just let him go to her, he'll be fine," Yeonjun said.

"Do you want him to humiliate himself? No, you don't," Soobin said.

This went on without any signs of stopping, the constant bickering between my polar-opposite friends. 

I sighed, putting my head down on the table.

I'm probably the best description of a mediator for these guys. I'm in-between, not prim and proper, but not exactly a rebel, either. I mean I get detention sometimes, but it's nothing major. I'm well-behaved, usually. I'm a nice, cool guy who just does what he wants without too many repercussions.

I just sat silently between the guys, their arguing beginning to annoy me. Looks like I'm not asking her then.

The bell eventually rang to end school, and I still hadn't asked her yet. The guys were walking with me to my house to finish a school project for History. My mom was still at work, and my dad was in Hawaii for a business trip, so it was just us.

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