A Failed Surprise [version 2] (jackson, got7)

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Last night was rough for Jackson. Having to balance his group and solo activities wore him out to the bone. The second he got to the dorm, he took the quickest shower possible and collapsed in his bed, dead asleep in two minutes.

The next morning when Jackson awoke at approximately 11am, he could hear chatter coming from the kitchen a few halls down. After freshening up and walking to the source of the noise, he found his six bandmates attempting to decorate the kitchen in a giant birthday banner saying "HAPPY BDAY JACKSON WANG!".

"Thanks for getting the streamers, Youngjae, just hand them ov- oh SHIT!" BamBam yelled, almost falling off the stool as he saw Jackson peeked out from the hallway and gave him a tiny wave.

"Welp, now the surprise party's ruined," Jinyoung sighed, "I told you guys I should've locked the door."

"If you did, he'd probably break it down," Yugyeom said.

"You overestimate his strength," Mark said with a laugh.

"That insult was unneeded this early in the day," Jackson sighed.

"Wel, happy birthday Jackson," Jaebeom said, halting his balloon-tying to get the cake out. "Might as well start celebrating now."

"Hey Bam, I got the- Jackson? Why are you here?" Youngjae appeared behind Jackson, and was surprised to see the birthday boy wide awake. "So I'm guessing we're not doing the surprise then."

"More like we can't, it got unintentionally ruined," Mark chuckled.

Two birthday songs and almost setting off the smoke alarm from blowing out the candles later, everyone was eating cake.

"So let me get this straight, y'all were trying to throw a surprise party while I was asleep and starting setting up at 9am, knowing that I was gonna wake up in two hours?" Jackson asked.

"Yes, yes we did," Mark said, "In our defense, it was the manager's idea when we left the studio last night."

"But you executed it anyway."

"Happy birthday anyway, Jackson," Jaebeom said, raising his water glass.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" everyone yelled, and the clink of cups signified a celebratory cheer.

Jackson shrugged and smiled. Sure, he accidentally ruined his own surprise party, but at least this was gonna be memorable and a fun story to tell in a few years' time.

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