Birthday Twins (seungmin, stray kids ; jinyoung, got7)

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It was around nine in the morning when Hyunjin suddenly screamed.

"The hell?" Seungmin mumbled, shaking himself awake groggily.

"Today's Jinyoung-sunbaenim's birthday!" Hyunjin said, getting off their joint bunk bed. He was on the bottom one. "I should tell him a happy birthday!"

Wait, if today's Jinyoung's birthday, then-

"Wow, don't even wish ME a happy birthday?" Seungmin asked with an eye roll (that Hyunjin most definitely didn't see). "I'm offended."

Hyunjin laughed. "Of course, I didn't forget, Minnie. Have you looked at your phone yet this morning?"

Rubbing his eyes, Seungmin grabbed his phone, and found that Hyunjin had sent him a text at midnight.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY MINNIE!!!!!!!!!!🥳🎂🌺🧁🍰🌸🐶🌼❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🖤🤍🤎🤩🥰✨

Seungmin smiled at the overload of emojis and exclamations. "Well, thank you, then."

Hyunjin laughed when suddenly, there was a crash in the kitchen.

"What happened?" Seungmin asked as he and Hyunjin stepped outside of the kitchen.

"Take a guess," Bang Chan sighed as Seungmin and Hyunjin walked in.

Seungmin laughed as he saw Felix on the floor, attempting to pick up a fallen cake pan with cake still in it.

"Welp, the surprise is ruined," mumbled a voice that didn't immediately register in Seungmin's head. He and Hyunjin turned their heads toward the voice.

"Jackson-hyung?" Hyunjin asked, confused. Why was he here?

"We tried baking cakes for Seungmin and Jinyoung, but," Jackson gestured to the fallen cake, "Now we can't make two cakes."

"How about we just make one 3-layer cake?" Seungmin suggested, "And just cut really skinny slices."

Jackson's eyes widened, "Now THAT is big brain. Thanks Seungmin!"

"No prob!"

"Big brain?" Hyunjin repeated in confusion. However, no one cared to clarify.

"DONE!" Felix said victoriously, looking upon his iced masterpiece. It was a simple vanilla cake with chocolate icing spread smooth.

"Now to decorate!" Jackson said.

"Not yet," Felix laughed, "We'll decorate at the company. For now, we're putting this in a box and drivie. We're setting up a meeting to surprise them."

"95% sure that my part of the surprise has failed," Seungmin said. He had been watching the two ice the cake this whole time.

"Well, true, but one person doesn't know what they're in for."

Jinyoung, JB, Youngjae, and BamBam rode in their car in silence. Jinyoung knew that Yugyeom, Jackson, and Mark were in the other car. He hadn't seen Jackson since morning, but shrugged it off. He always wants to get things done quickly and be out of the dorm in a flahs.

"We're here!" JB announced.

"We can see that," Jinyoung said. JB sighed as the four of them walked out of the car. They had been called for a meeting for an unknown reason.

Jackson, Yugyeom, and Mark hopped out of their cars behind the others.

"Hey guys," Jinyoung said nonchalantly. The three smiled and waved.

The staff was going on about some random award show and music show stuff when Jackson excused himself from the table. The staff waved it off, which Jinyoung found weird.

The staff took a small break when the door opened and Stray Kids, for reasons unknown, entered the room, bowing respectfully. They took seats around the table. Jackson wasn't back yet.

The meeting proceeded, and Jackson still wasn't back yet. And after a quick count, Jinyoung realized that there was a member of Stray Kids missing, but he couldn't pinpoint who.

Suddenly, the lights went out.


"Not yet!" someone whispered-yelled as a person almost sang. Jinyoung laughed quietly. So, a surprise birthday cake, how fun!

Then, the soft glow of candles filled the room.

"Happy birthday to you~" Jackson and FELIX entered the room, holding a cake. As they sang, someone put a hat on Jinyoung. The lights went back on after the song, and Jinyoung realized that another member of Stray Kids (Seungmin?) had a hat on as well.

Wait, it IS Seungmin's birthday, too. He had forgotten that they shared their birthdays on the same day!

"Together?" Jinyoung asked as he and Seungmin approached the cake.

"Yea." Together, they blew out the candles. Everyone cheered.

"I made it myself, and Jackson decorated it. It was supposed to be a surprise for both of you, but I kinda dropped a pan..." Felix said, beginning to tell the tales of this morning.

"It was loud, woke the whole house up," Hyunjin finished, sighing.

Everyone laughed as the two groups celebrated two birthdays.

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