Operation Chestnut (beomgyu, txt)

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I woke up from my very peaceful slumber to an argument coming from the kitchen.

Sighing, I tried to go back to sleep, but everyone was yelling really loudly, too loudly, so I just dragged myself out of bed and got ready for the day. 15 minutes later, though, I could still hear them throwing words at each other.

I went downstairs to try and see what was going on.

"No way! He wouldn't like that at all!"

"Why did we decide to do this in the first place?!"

"Because it'll be better that way! Quality is better than quantity!"

"What are we gonna get for hi- oh, morning Beomgyu," Yeonjun said, immediately lowering his voice.

Everyone else also lowered their volume and said good morning with smiles, but still gave glares to the others they were arguing with.

"Morning," I said sarcastically, "And I would've been even more swell if some people didn't wake me up by arguing so damn loudly. And what time is it?" I looked at his phone for the time. "It's literally 10am."

"Sorry Beongyu-hyung," Hueningkai said.

"It's fine," I said with a shrug, "I was hungry anyway."

"Well, breakfast is almost done," Soobin said, pointing to the stove, where he was making pancakes. "So everyone, just sit down and let's eat."

As everyone ate, there was a slightly tense, slightly awkward silence hanging in the air.

"What were you guys arguing about?" I finally asked quietly.

"Nothing," everyone exclaimed simultaneously.

I narrowed my eyes. "Okay..." he said skeptically. It seems like they're hiding something.

"It seriously wasn't much, it was just petty stuff. Right guys?" Taehyun said.

"I mean sure," Yeonjun said.

"I guess you can say that," Soobin agreed reluctantly.

"Yeah! Totally petty," Hueningkai said, "Totally wasn't arguing about something big."

Still not completely convinced, but not wanting to ask further, I just nodded and went back to the pancakes, which, by the way, were quite good.

About an hour later, as we were driving to the agency, I noticed that everyone was on their phones texting people. A quick glance at Soobin's screen, though, told me that they were actually having a chat.

Without me.

The chat was titled "Operation Chestnut."

"Operation Chestnut?" I asked, reading the chat name.

"YAH!" Soobin jumped, dropping his phone in the process. As he fumbled to pick it up, I got to it before him. I read the first few texts.

So it's final? This is what we're gonna buy?

yes, Yeonjun, this is what we're doing

And no more virtual arguing


What the?

He dropped his phone
And Gyu picked it up

"Give it!" Soobin yelled, immediately snatching the phone back.

"What are you guys talking about? And what's Operation Chestnut?" I asked.

"Nothing," everyone said simultaneously, once again.

Yep, something's definitely up.

"Y'all either tell me now," I threatened, "Or I'm taking my water bottle and flinging it, and I don't care who gets splashed."

Everyone stayed silent.

"Um..." Hueningkai attempted to say something, but couldn't.

I started unscrewing the bottle.

"Ok, ok, we were ge-"

"We're here everyone," the driver said. We all just then realized that the car had stopped at the agency.

"Tell me insi-" Before I could finish, everyone, including the driver, sprint-walked inside without a second thought. I sighed. What the hell are they doing behind my back?

As I trudged inside, trying to speculate what they may be doing, I noticed how quiet the building was. Usually, you would hear staff talking, having meetings in other rooms, etc, but it was eerily silent. What the fuck?

As I slowly opened the door to the dance studio, I was bombarded by thin paper slices- wait, streamers?

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" everyone yelled. The missing staff, the managers, and my members were all here.

Welp, I almost had a heart attack.

"Happy birthday you giant dork," Yeonjun said teasingly, patting me on the back.

"So this is what you guys were plotting?" I asked.

"Nope," Teahyun said.

"This is," Hueningkai said, thrusting a package into my hands. It was wrapped in sparkly golden paper, with a bow to wrap it all up.

I opened it, ecstatic to see the contents. "Thanks guys!" I said as laid my eyes on the sweatshirt and pair of jeans that I've been wanting for a while now, along with a really nice beanie and a vibrant tie-dye t-shirt.

"We all chipped in to buy you a collective gift. This was Operation Chestnut," Soobin said, "To complete what I was about to say in the car: We were getting you your present."

"FYI, I wrapped this in less than a minute," Taehyun said, "It was delivered literally one minute before we got to the building."

"No wonder the wrapping was sloppy," I teased.

As everyone laughed, and Taehyun attempted to hit me, I smiled. Awesome birthday for me!

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