Espresso (nomin, nct)

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jeno x jaemin


Jeno was crumbling. Tears were threatening to fall from his eyes, his face screamed "I am not okay," and he felt like he was about to throw up. Why today? Why now? Why did it have to come to this?

Why did he have to see his girlfriend making out with another boy?

Today was supposed to be their two-year anniversary. He had wanted to surprise Bora with a necklace he got for her ever since he saw how her eyes sparkled at the said piece of jewelry from a shopping mall window.

But instead of his smiling, happy-teared girlfriend coming to the door, Jeno was perplexed when she didn't answer immediately. 30 seconds turned to 3 whole minutes, so Jeno was about to call her when he remembered that he had a key to her apartment. He was going to just leave the gift on the table, then text her to open it. He'd come by later.

However, as his key went into the lock, he heard a noise inside the apartment, definitely human. It sounded like a sigh, then a bump on the wall. Jeno decided to enter as quietly as possible. Did someone break in? 

But there were no signs of forced entry.

Did she just wake up? 

But it's 11:30am, and she isn't usually the kind to sleep in, and is usually up at 9am at the latest, even on weekends.

So, Jeno braced himself, and opened the door slowly.

What he wasn't expected was the sound of sighs, moans, and two distinct voices echoing through the apartment, alongside occasional bumps on the wall and what dreadfully sounded like two people having a heated kiss session. Jeno felt his heart drop when he heard Bora's voice ask, "Did you hear something?"

A male voice responded with, "No, don't worry love, no one's here."

"Good," she said, before the session recommenced.

Jeno could see two shadows inside Bora's bedroom, and he didn't need any more confirmation after that. He slipped the necklace back into his pocket, closed the door again, and bolted away from the apartment and out of the complex.

And now here he is, on the brink of sobbing on the busy streets of Seoul with no idea what to do, black hair all over his face over his eyes, and a very obvious look of distraught. He didn't want to go home, all his friends were out of town for summer, and he was hungry and didn't feel like calling anyone (food over friends, amiright?). If it were evening, Jeno would have gone to his favorite bar and drunk into oblivion to wash away his sadness, but it was almost noon, and he was not getting drunk in the middle of the fucking day.

So, the best next thing for misery after alcohol? Caffeine. 

As Jeno trudged along the streets, his eyes fell on an inviting little cafe on the corner of the next block. So, the boy's feet carried him into the coffee shop.

A golden glow from both the basket-held lights above and the rays of sunshine beaming in from the large walls of windows were the first things that greeted the heartbroken boy, and he couldn't help but smile a little from this new charming place he had stumbled on. As he filtered into an average-lengthed line, he looked around. The tables were dark wood and all set for two, with matching countertops by the walls with stools. The matte dandelion yellow walls were lined with greenery (ivy vines in wired baskets) and pictures of the city in noir. The place wasn't packed, but was filled with people working and sipping coffee and eating pastries or sandwiches.

Jeno wiped away a few tears that had fallen before he was next in line.

"Hi, welcome to Fireflies, what would you like?" asked the cashier. He had on normal casual clothes (there didn't seem to be a uniform code here), but with a dark yellow apron that almost matched the walls. His nametag read Sungchan.

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