A Burnt Pancake and Strange Presents (hyunjin, stray kids)

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"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!" was the first thing Hyunjin heard when he groggily walked out of his room, just now awake.

"Thanks, everyone!" he said tiredly, but happily, gladly blowing out the candles (and excited, thinking that there was gonna be cake for breakfast). That's when he realized that it wasn't a cake, but a stack of four flapjacks, slathered in syrup and fruit.

Well, he honestly wanted cake, but then again, this was still good.

As he ate, everyone else (and honestly, him too) was watching Felix and Seungmin making (or burning, more correctly) more pancakes as Chan worriedly watched them, scared that the house was about to burn down. He, with a bit of help from Jeongin, had made the first batch to create Hyunjin's "cake", and now watching Felix and Seungmin pouring the batter into the pan was making the leader look like he was about to have a panic attack.

"Seungmin, that's too much butter!" Chan yelled as said boy fumbled with the bowl.

"Ah shoot, sorry," Seungmin said.

A millennium later, there were more pancakes on the table, some burnt, some not, along with a pot of ramen and some more sliced fruit (don't question the ramen, it was Lee Know's idea). Everyone being ravenous, they dug in. Even Hyunjin helped himself to some fruit and noodles. As everyone finished, Changbin and Han dipped out of the dining area and came back with seven boxes wrapped in shiny paper.

"Hey, Hyunjin, here are your presents," Changbin said, setting them down in the living room, "Come when you're ready."

Hyunjin was stuffed, so he left the table and sat down around the pile of gifts. First, he opened the one in mint wrapping.

"From Minho," Hyunjin read on the tag. He annihilated the paper and was welcomed to-

"What the heck Minho?" It was a llama plushie, and when Hyunjin accidentally pressed a button, it started twerking. Hyunjin set it down and watched it in horrified fascination. "What is this? I already was traumatized by one of these at a fansign, why do I get another one?"

"Because it's funny, and Jeongin accidentally broke the other one," Minho responded stoicly.

"Why do you have to expose me like that?" Jeongin yelled.

Hyunjin laughed. "Well, I didn't even notice."

At least Changbin got him something more practical. In his black wrapping was a sweatshirt that Hyunjin's been wanting for a while.

"Thanks Changbin!" Hyunjin said. He moved on to the present in red wrapping, from Han.

In it were the first three books in a novel series that he's been wanting to read, but hadn't had the time to lately. It also came with a beanie...with a hole in it?

"Thanks, Jisung, but isn't this your beanie? And why would you give it to me if it had a hole?!"

Han merely chuckled nervously

Hyunjin threw the beanie in Han's direction, and it landed with a small flop on Han's shoulder.

"Sorry!" Han said, "I'll buy you a new one later!"

Hyunjin sighed, chuckling. Next was the gift in purple wrapping, from Seungmin. Inside was GOT7's newest album, Call My Name.

"Oh my, thanks Seungmin!" Hyunjin screamed in happiness. He set it down to the side carefully. He'll find out what photocard he got later.

"Be happy, the only reason I bought that was because while I was getting DAY6's new album, the music store was having a deal where if you buy one album, you get another 50% off. You're welcome!" Seungmin yelled back, getting an eye-roll from Hyunjin.

He opened Felix's present in silver wrapping, getting a nice PJ set and a cute little Ryan plushie. He also opened Chan's gift in blue wrapping, which got him a kangaroo plushie and a set of facial products.

"Thanks!" Hyunjin yelled, in which Chan and Felix smiled.

He then moved on to Jeongin's present in neon pink wrapping, standing out extremely from everyone else's gifts by a mile.

"Well, let's see what Jeongin got fo- seriously?"

Inside were an eggplant and a bundle of carrots. Everyone started bursting out laughing because those were Hyunjin's least favorite foods of all time.

"Why Jeongin, why?"

While laughing his head off, said boy replied, "Sorry, I thought your reaction would be funny. Here's your actual present." He tossed Hyunjin a small box wrapped in velvet red.

Still skeptical, Hyunjin opened to box tentatively. When the box was fully open, his mouth was agape.

Inside was a beautiful ring and necklace set. He had seen it in a shop window and had really wanted it, but didn't get it after seeing the price.

"I.N, thank you," Hyunjin mumbled, still in a state of awe.

"You're welcome!"

"But isn't this kinda expensive?"

"Um, yeah it was, to be honest. I've been saving up since you kept pouting about the price of this thing. I thought it'd make a good gift for your 20th birthday, as it's quite a milestone."

Hyunjin smiled. "But this still doesn't make up for the fact that I now have to deal with carrots and an eggplant because of you," Hyunjin said.

"Sorry not sorry."

Hyunjin took the Ryan plushie and whacked Jeongin.

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