Dear Diary, I Met Someone [pt. 2] (woosang, ateez)

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wooyoung x yeosang

And prepare for another long part 2 lol


Dear Diary (8/5),

Haha, I'm a senior now. Tomorrow. I'm going to school for my final year. Yeosang absolutely could not sleep alone, so we're currently sleeping over at my house. He's asleep as I write this. We had hell applying for colleges over the last few days, so that's fun. Anyway, I think I really need to figure out this crush, thing, liking, whatever I have for Yeo. He's so close to me. How would me admitting that I may like him affect our friendship? It kinda scares me. Should I keep it a secret? Maybe until I know how he feels. But I think he may feel something for me, too. He always looks a little pinker when he looks at me, or maybe that's my imagination.

Sincerely, Wooyoung.


Dear Diary (8/6),

First day was fine. I have Culinary 1 (Cul 2 next semester), English II (with San!), and History, next semester got Calculus (with Changbin). With Woo, I have AP Chemistry this semester, then Language Arts next semester, again, as well as Career Prep, since that STUPID credit didn't transfer properly, and Woo was just procrastinating. This'll be one heck of a year, I feel it.

Bye, Yeosang


Dear Diary (8/6), 

MR. CHWE TEACHES AP STATS I'M SO HAPPY! Also have AP Art, AP Chem (with Sang), and Multimedia Design this semester. Next one has Career Prep (with San, and together we procrastinated this required class until now), Language Arts (with Sang again!), History, and Interior Design, just for fun. So much college-related stuff this year, too, so imma be busy. Sang and I were applying for colleges at his house yesterday. I decided to major in Graphic Design, so wish me luck. Also, Mr. Kwon, the Multi Design teacher, seems super cool. This is my third time in the class (junior year had a schedule funk so I didn't get him, sadly), and I was thinking that since I'm a senior, I'm gonna ask him about any possible out-of-school experience I can get at a local design place or something.



Dear Diary (8/8),

So in college I'm majoring in Culinary Arts, focusing on Baking and Pastry Arts, and I talked to the culinary teacher (Mr. Kim, who everyone now calls Mr. Gyu since we have a BOATLOAD of Kims here as teachers) about it offhandedly, but he said that maybe next semester, I could maybe do an out-of-school internship of sorts? Quite a handful of Culinary 2 students do that. I'm interested, especially since there's quite a few bakeries and pastry shops around, and getting to oversee how the process and everything works and maybe even helping out sounds magical, honestly. Anyway, Woo and I don't have the same lunch period this year, sadly, but he managed to sneak out today and we chatted for a bit. He did get detention, though, so I get to laugh at his face later lol.



Dear Diary (8/15),

Had our first Chem experiment, and we got to make methane bubbles and set shit on fire (just like how Woo sets my heart on fire lOL). Wooyoung reminded me of the Budsen burner incident of last year. Why.

Bye, Yeo.

P.S.: 8/16, 8pm Yeosang. Okay why tf did I say that. Help. I wrote this at 4am.

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