An Empty Dorm and an Unexpected Party (i.n, stray kids)

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Jeongin woke up to a silent dorm. All his roommates were already out of the room, and you could most likely hear a pin drop. He checked the time, then gasped. 11:23.

He shot out of bed and ran to the bathroom, scared to be late. Upon getting in there, however, he found a note taped on the mirror.

Before you start frantically trying to get ready, you don't need to. The managers said that you don't need to be at the company until 2:00. Just take your time, you got a few hours. We were called in an hour-ish ago as I write this (10), and you were sleeping so we didn't want to disturb you. Breakfast is in the kitchen! -Minho

Saying that this was bizarre was an understatement.

After finishing up getting ready, Jeongin tried calling Minho, but he didn't answer. He then tried Chan, then Changbin, then, Hyunjin, then Han, then Felix, but no one was answering their phones. He tried to call Seungmin, not expecting an answer, but-


Yes! An answer!

"Finally! Why aren't the others answering my calls?"

"All of our phones are on silent. You just got lucky; I was about to call you, so-"

"Okay then. Where did everybody go?"

"Well, we're at JYP. Chan woke up around 9, like normal, and got a text saying that we needed to go to the agency building for something not specified. It did say, though, that they only needed 3RACHA and a few other members. Chan came to wake you and Minho up, but Minho was already up, and you were snoring, so he decided that you could stay while the rest of us went to see what we were needed for."

"Oh." Jeongin was less confused but still puzzled nonetheless.

"So don't worry! Minho already left you a note, so don't sweat it. See you later, a eat your breakfast!" With that, Seungmin hung up.

That was a bit abrupt, but Jeongin just decided to brush it off and just get ready to leave in the next few hours.

After pulling a hoodie over his jeans, he went out to the kitchen to find a large plate on the table, covered and still surprisingly warm.

He opened the cover to find a stack of pancakes with some syrup and some blueberries, and a strawberry milk.

Here's some breakfast, courtesy of I, Bang Chan (and Changbin cut the fruit and the milk was Lix's idea) ;)

Jeongin smiled as he sat down and stuffed a forkful into his mouth.

The house was too quiet.

Jeongin has spent the last while finishing up the last episode or so of his current k-drama. After the last episode and the credit rolled, Jeongin sighed and got ready to leave. He got a text from Hyunjin, asking when he was coming. He told him he was on his way. He decided to call a taxi for himself today.

When he got to the agency, he immediately noticed how empty it was. From what Seungmin had said, he would've expected way more people around. At that moment, he got another text, this time from Jisung, that said to go to the meeting room.

Why? There hadn't been any plans for one.

Jeongin sighed in frustration. What is going on? He was so confused that he was legit about to scream.

As he trudged to the meeting room, he then realized that today was his birthday. Did they forget about his birthday? His already dampened mood just got worse.

As he made it to the meeting room, it was cruelly silent in the whole building, and as he pressed his ear against the door, there was no chatter. If everyone's in there, then why is it quiet?

Jeongin opened the door carefully.


Jeongin slammed the door shut again, surprised, shocked, and scared. The door opened again to reveal Chan wearing a party hat. He laughed, then pulled Jeongin into the room. Everyone was in there: from the managers to their choreographer to every single member of his group.


Jeongin was starting to cry. Happy tears, of course, but all the frustrations of today leading to this just started his waterworks.

As everyone sang "Happy Birthday" and he blew out the candles, his tears broke out like a waterfall.

"Aw, why are you crying?" Jisung asked in concern, "You're gonna make me cry, too..."

Everyone gathered around him and pulled him into a giant group hug.

"It's okay," Chan said, patting him on the back.

"Today was just weird," Jeongin sniffed, "I was frustrated that I didn't know what was going on, and I've been lonely all day. I thought you guys forgot my birthday, and about me-"

"We would never forget about you," Hyunjin interrupted.

"And we would never forget your special day," Minho said, pulling a party hat over Jeongin's head. "So we planned this. It's been in the works since yesterday."

Jeongin smiled. "Thanks, hyungs."

"Let's eat cake now!" Changbin exclaimed.

"Oh, and thanks for the breakfast," Jeongin said, looking at Chan, Changbin, and Felix as the youngest savored his sweet cake.

Today's a better day now.

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