Never Piss Off the Eldest, Ever (bts)

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Jin: I'm hungry, let's see what's in the pantry. I really what some of those shrimp chips...

He opens the pantry to find no shrimp chips.

Jin: YAH! Who ate the last bag?! He runs into the living room, where his other members were sitting. Everyone stays silent.

Jin: Well it was one of y'all! Who was it?

V: Not me

Jimin: I didn't even know we had chips...

RM: Not me

J-Hope: Well, it wasn't me, Jin.

Suga simply hakes his head. Jungkook, however, is silent.

Jin: Jungkook, was it you?

Jungkook: Uh, no?

He has crumbs all over his mouth, and an empty bag is visible on the table. Jungkook quickly hides it, but it is too late.


Jungkook: See y'all. He yeets himself up the stairs.

Jin: Come here you little punk! He grabs a spoon and runs at Jungkook, steps thundering up the steps.

Upstairs, Jungkook locks himself in his bedroom. A split second later, Jin arrives at his door, knocking hard.

Jin: Jungkook, you better open up this door.

Jungkook: Never! I value my life, you know!

Jin: If you don't, you're grounded from Overwatch for a week.

Jungkook: ...Uh. He contemplates the consequences of that.

Jin: I'll take all your banana milk.

Jungkook: No! Not the banana milk! Fine. He begrudgingly cracks the door open.

Jin: Thank you. Now let me in, I just wanna talk. He hits the spoon threateningly in the palm of his other hand.

Jungkook: Haha, I'm in danger.

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