Snow Day (bts, txt)

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The BigHit studio has its pros, and of course, its cons. One of these dilemmas is the fact that they don't have windows.

Today, having no windows was a very definite con.

BTS were practicing their choreography to "Boy With Luv" when fellow labelmate Soobin burst into the studio unannounced.

"I apologize for interrupting, but it's snowing!" he exclaimed, "If you guys can, let's go have some fun!" With that, he left just as fast as he came.

"Can we?" Yoongi asked the choreographer and the manager.

They both shrugged. "Go ahead, you guys have been working hard," the manager stated.

With that, the seven men scrambled to get their jackets.

It was indeed snowing, and there was already about an inch on the ground. It was a gorgeous sight.

"It just started about 20 minutes ago," Soobin said, "And we're gonna get even more, so let's play!

The TXT guys were already outside and dressed for the occasion. They waved to their seniors.

"I guess we should have some fun," Namjoon said.

The first thing they decided to do was build a snowman, which then became a competition to see who would build the best one, as suggested by the wonderful Jeon Jungkook. They decided to split the teams by the maknae lines of both groups versus the hyung lines.

On the maknae team, Hueningkai, Jungkook, and Beomgyu shoveled snow into a big pile while Jimin, Taehyung, and Taehyun took said snow and packed it into the shapes. 

The snowman slowly took shape, much to the pride of the sculptors. Taehyun went inside and got some buttons that he knew the stylist left around, and Jungkook went inside and brought out a carrot from his bag. They used leaves for the eyes and mouth, as well as got twigs for arms.

"Is it done?" Jimin asked, stepping back to see their creation.

"It seems like it's missing something," Beomgyu trailed off.

"I know!" Taehyung said. He took his scarf and put it around the snowman's neck.

"How about this, too?" Hueningkai took off his hat and put it on the head.

"DONE!" They all marveled at their masterpiece.

"Let's name it Bob," Hueningkai commented, and everyone agreed that they liked the name.

The other team also shouted "Done!" as they finished. They stepped back and looked at the snowman. It had twigs for the nose and arms, with leaves standing in for the other features. They felt proud.

But when they looked at the maknaes' snowman...

"How did you guys get a carrot?!" Seokjin asked, completely baffled.

"Jungkook has them all the time," Jimin responded.

"Kai! Put your hat back on, you're gonna get cold!" Yeonjun scowled.

"And put the scarf back on, Tae," Hoseok said with a laugh.

"I think the other team won," Namjoon said.

"I hate to agree, but I agree," Soobin said.

"Let's knock them down now!" Yoongi exclaimed.

"Yea!" Taehyung agreed.

Soon, both teams had destroyed their beautiful creations

"That was more satisfying than building it," Yoongi said.

"Agreed," said Seokjin.

Suddenly, the two felt something hit their backs. They turned around to see Hueningkai and Taehyun.

"Why you little-"

Seokjin after Taehyun, Yoongi at Hueningkai, as the four started throwing snowballs at each other.

"SNOWBALL FIGHT, BTS VERSUS TXT!" Soobin yelled, throwing a snowball at Hoseok.

And now full-blown-out chaos has emerged as an epic snowball showdown commenced.

Hueningkai, at some point, was hiding behind a rather fat tree to get away from Jungkook and Hoseok, who had bombarded him with snow, He was waiting for one of them to come around.

 He heard footsteps coming closer, so he aimed, and...

"What the hell Kai? We're on the same team!"

"Oops, sorry Beomgyu, I thought you wer-"


The two both bolted as Jungkook snuck up behind them and attempted to use his hat to dump snow on them. Luckily, they got away, and pelted him with snowballs as they ran like lightning.

Meanwhile, Taehyung and Taehyun we circling each other, each holding a sizeable snowball the size of their heads.

"You drop the snow, and I'll do the same," Taehyun suggested.

Taehyung chuckled, then, without warning, hurled the snowball. However, due to its size, the older terribly missed, and Taehyun took that opportunity to unceremoniously plop his snowball onto Taehyung's back. Before the older could register what just happened, Taehyun dashed away.

After a good 15 minutes of snowball fighting, Seokjin was very close to collapsing on the ground.

"I'm getting too old for this..." he groaned, using his arms to block Hueningkai's snowball.

"Dude, you're only 27," Yoongi said next to him, defending his other member with an array of snow at the youngest person here. Hueningkai quickly retreated.

"Still getting older."

"Alright, how about go inside and get some hot chocolate before we all get too exhausted," Namjoon suggested. 

"Fine by me," Yeonjun said, the others nodded in agreement.

They all slowly trudged inside, tired but happy with how the last while had been spent.

The boys sat on couches in the dance studio as they drank some hot chocolate.

"That was fun!" Soobin said. No one disagreed with that.

"Did you see when Jungkook snuck up on Beomgyu and Hueningkai behind that tree? You should've seen their faces!" Taehyun exclaimed with a laugh.

"I managed to sneak-attack Jimin-hyung, but that ended with me getting snow in my eyes," Yeonjun added, "Hoseok-hyung was hiding behind a bush and literally threw a snowball in my face."

They all laughed. As they shared what they did in the snow today, they knew that today would be a beautiful memory that would live in their minds for a long time.

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