April Fools 101 (day6)

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English is in italics


"Brian, wake up." Jae whispered. The boys were in the dorm, done with activities for the day. Sungjin and Wonpil were attempting to make dinner, Younghyun was taking a snooze on the couch, and Dowoon was playing League of Legends in his room.

"What? And my name's not Brian."

"Sorry. So, you know how tomorrow's April 1st?"

"Yeah, and?"

"Well, it'll be April Fools Day! Let's prank the other boys!"

Younghyun shrugged. "I mean, sure, go ahead."

"No, I want you to help me."

Younghyun doesn't usually do much on April Fools' Day, and sadly, he is usually a victim of Jae's pranks.

"Hey, if you help me, I won't prank you," Jae offered.

That was a good deal. "Ok, fine, what do you have planned?"

At around 2am, when everyone was asleep, Younghyun and Jae snuck out of their rooms quietly. They both had plastic wrap and tape in their hands, a stereotypical yet hilarious prank about to be created. Tomorrow morning, the boys are gonna walk into plastic wrap when they open their doors.

"Okay, you do Sungjin and Dowoon's room, I'll do the bathroom doors and Wonpil's room," Jae instructed.

Younghyun nodded, and the two separated. 

Several minutes later, Younghyun succeeded in covering the doors without waking anyone up. He met Jae in the living room when they were both done.

"Ok, imma go back to bed, let's see what their reactions will be tomorrow."

"Okay, let me just get water first," Younghyun said, "Goodnight."

As Jae left, Younghyun filled a glass of water. As he leaned on the counter and sipped, he noticed how much plastic wrap they still had. He was struck with an idea.

So he snuck off to wake the others.


The next morning, Jae was woken up to Sungjin's yell of confusion. Thrilled that his prank worked, he ran out of his room to see the results. Or at least, he tried to.

"What the hell is this?" Jae was met with a wall of plastic wrap all over him. As he tried to stand up from the damage, he realized it wasn't just plastic wrap, but also tape, with the sticky side causing him to be tangled up in its sticky web.

When Jae finally freed himself, he realized that the wrapping that he and Younghyun did last night was undone, leaving his door as the only one wrapped.

"APRIL FOOLS!" everyone yelled.

Younghyun was laughing his tail off. "That was comedy gold!"

"What just happened?" Jae asked.

"Well..." Younghyun began.

Last night

As Jae left, Younghyun filled a glass of water. As he leaned on the counter and sipped, he noticed how much plastic wrap they still had. He was struck with an idea.

How about he get Jae back for all his years of pranking?

So he snuck off to wake the others.

First, Younghyun, carefully, took down all the plastic wrap they had put up. Next, he went from room to room, gathering everyone except for Jae, who, after a small peek in his room, was out like a light.

"So I decided that I'm gonna prank Jae for April Fools' Day. Wanna join me?"

Everyone agreed, as they have also been victims of his pranks. After checking again that Jae was out cold, they combined all the plastic wrap in front of everyone else doors into a mega wall of plastic at Jae's door, but not before adding their own touch, courtesy of Dowoon: tape.

"Sungjin, tomorrow morning, yell really loudly, as if you had just walked into plastic wrap. That'll have Jae sprinting."

Sungjin nodded, and everyone went back to their rooms, snickering.

"Wow," Jae sighed, "I just got bamboozled."

"Indeed," Younghyun said.

"That was so funny," Dowoon said.

"That's for pranking us since we were trainees," Sungjin said.

"Yep, take that," Wonpil said.

Jae sighed, but then chuckled. "You do realize, though, that I still have the whole day to get you all back?"

Everyone froze in terror.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2022 ⏰

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