Rollerskater Limbo (jungkook, bts)

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It's Jungkook's birthday, so what do BTS decide to do for the occasion?

Roller skate.

"YES!" Jungkook yelled, running inside the world of neon lights as the boys arrived.

"Why did we decide to go here?" Yoongi asked.

"C'mon, Yoongs, just because you've never done it before doesn't mean it's bad," Jimin laughed.

"Let's just hope no one gets hurt," Seokjin said, looking over at a certain someone.

Namjoon sighed, knowing full well that he was most likely gonna end up being the one getting hurt.

Yoongi shrugged as the boys fully entered the building.

After renting their skates, they split off individually to attempt to skate.

Of course, being the golden boy, Jungkook picked it up pretty fast. He's skated before, anyways, with his '97 liner friends. Taehyung also wasn't that bad, besides a few slipups. Jimin, meanwhile, was falling a lot.

"Shit!" Jimin yelled for the umpteenth time as he fell flat on his ass. Jungkook skid to a halt, helping his bandmate to his feet with a small chuckle.

"You okay?" he asked.

"Yeah, I'm good. For now."

"Here, let's hold hands for a bit, to help you balance, you know?" Jungkook said, his hand still clasped to Jimin's. Together, the boys slowly made their way around the rink, Taehyung joining occasionally. Both Taehyung and Jungkook gave Jimin various pointers, and soon enough, Jimin was getting the hang of it. The maknae line smiled and laughed as they slowly gained speed, whirling around the skating rink.

For the fact that he's never done this before, Yoongi was surprisingly good, and barely slipped up. Hoseok was pretty good, but similarly to Taehyung, had a few slip-ups. Namjoon, just as everyone predicted, was just as clumsy, maybe even more, than Jimin. Seokjin was okay, but though he didn't slip as much as Joon, still had trouble.

So while Hoseok and Yoongi peacefully rolled around the rink, chatting lightly and occasionally joining the maknaes, Namjoon could barely go three feet forward without falling, and Seokjin kept trying to help while also falling alongside the leader.

"Should we help them?" Jimin asked, looking back.

"I think they're fine," Yoongi said.

But another round later, and the leader and the oldest still in the exact same spot, the other five stopped to help them up.

"Y'all are really bad," Jungkook laughed. "Here, we'll help you."

Jungkook, Jimin, and Yoongi followed alongside Namjoon, while Taehyung and Hoseok followed Seokjin, giving them tips and sometimes jumping in to demonstrate.

So 45 minutes in the rink, everyone could at least do one lap without falling, and they were all having a good time.

"They're doing the limbo game in a few," Namjoon said, gesturing to the employee setting up the game. "Who wants to try?"

"That game is for little kids," Seokjin sighed. "Do we have to?"

"I mean, it looks fun," Jimin said. "And it's fun, and probably more difficult while skating."

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