{M} The Shapeshifter (felix, stray kids)

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Mature Warning! (death, violence)


"Ugh, my head..."

Felix woke up with a huge headache. As he regained his senses, he realized he was in...his bedroom at his parents' house? How did he get here? He rubbed his head, trying to remember something, anything. He vaguely recalled walking home from his friend, Jisung's, house. He was almost at his apartment when someone hit his head and he blacked out. How long was he out? 

Sighing, he got out of the bed and left the room. The minute he left the room, he knew this was definitely not his parents' house, but some kind of copy. His parents lived on a hill, and there definitely wasn't a forest outside the last time he had visited. He ran to the door and tried to get out. It was locked. He tried punching the windows, but they wouldn't break, not even when he took a frying pan and hit it with all his might. He was trapped. 

With nothing else he could do, he explored the house. It was almost exactly like his parents' house, but with several key differences. First off, there was no attic or basement. There were no family pictures hanging anywhere, all frames creepily empty. The home phone was nowhere to be seen. There were no mirrors, either, not even in the bathrooms. He went back to the kitchen. Realizing how hungry he was, he went to the pantry and found some cereal. Happy, he poured himself a bowl. Besides, the box was unopened, so he assumed it was not poisoned or anything.

He went back to his bedroom. This was the only room that was exactly the same, decor-wise. His bed, his desk, his computer, his phone, his TV, everything was exactly where it always was. He grabbed his phone and tried to call 911. Right before he hit call, however, he felt a hand wrap around his neck. 

He slowly turned his head and saw...himself? No this had to be a hallucination. He, it, whatever this was, looked basically exactly like him. Same parted, artificial blonde hair, same pale skin, same slim, short figure, same Korean facial features. The only difference was the eyes, they were a soul-sucking black rather than brown. The face was also very smooth, too smooth to be humanely possible. 

The figure smiled. It was the scariest thing Felix had ever seen.

"Hello, there," it said, its smile widening with each passing second, to the point where it could not be humanely possible to stretch the mouth that widely.

"What do y-you want?" Felix stuttered, "W-who are you?"

The demonic version of himself was still smiling. "Well, I have no name. I am everyone and no one, but in your case, you may call me Yongbok, to confuse you less. You always dissociate yourself from your Korean name, anyway. I'm you, but not. You may want to put that phone away, before you meet your end." 

The way he emphasized "end" sent shivers down Felix's spine. Shaking, he slowly lowered the phone. "Good." Yongbok put his hand down and stood in front of Felix. "You don't always see me, but I'm always with you. You tried to escape, you explored the house, you ate cereal, I saw everything in the shadows. You are not escaping this place, ever. It's just you, me, and my friends." He snapped his fingers, and several figures appeared in the room. They were all teens, around Felix's age, and they all seemed dead. Their eyes were closed, feet bound, scars all over them. "We're going to have a lot of fun, Felix, a lot of fun."

Felix was scared out of his mind. He threw his pillow at Yongbok and bolted out of the room, hiding in the kitchen. He frantically grabbed a knife and waited.

"Come out, come out wherever you are..." Yongbok cooed, "Well, I guess my friends and I will play hide and seek." Suddenly, the figures bolted at Felix. He swung the knife, but that had no effect. They were getting closer, their dull gray eyes fixed on him and only him. In desperation, he turned on the sink and splashed water on them. That made them all flinch. Smirking, Felix filled a cup of water and flung it at them. They went away with a "Pop!"

Felix couldn't celebrate his victory for long, though, as Yongbok turned the corner. "Why are you making this so hard, Felix? I just wanna play." That whole sentence scared the crap out of the young Australian. He threw the knife, aiming for Yongbok's chest. It hit its mark, and Yongbok fell to the floor. He was bleeding, but also slowly fading. Knowing he didn't have much time, Felix frantically ran around the house, looking for a crowbar, a key, anything that could get him out. As he was searching his room, the last room, he saw a blurry figure beginning to form. Yongbok was coming back. 

In the very last drawer, Felix finally found a key. He bolted to the front door just as Yongbok's completely reformed.

Felix fumbled with the key. "Where do you think you're going, Felix?" Felix whipped around. Yongbok was standing a few yards from him, smiling. He ran right at him. He was about to wrap his hand around Felix's throat when the door unlocked. Felix bolted out of the house, running as far from the house as possible. 

He eventually made it to the edge of the forest. He then realized that this was the forest next to his high school. He ran home and immediately phoned the cops. As some came to question him, others went into the forest. They found the house, but there was no one inside. They did find a note, though. It read Catch me if you can.

There was a legend, told as a campfire story in their area. Deep within a forest, there lived a creature straight from the deepest, darkest place you can think of. Some say hell, others say from a far worse place. It shapeshifts and captures teens and keeps them in its house until they die. It then makes them its puppets, doing its gruesome bidding. Everyone thought it was just a story, but to Felix, it is most definitely true.

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