A Birthday Bash (soobin, txt)

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Soobin woke up to a silent house. This was weird, as at this point in the morning there would be stuff going on in the kitchen.

After freshening up and changing into a casual outfit, he traveled downstairs. He felt like there was something important today, he just couldn't remember what.

He got his answer when he saw a plate of fresh, warm food on the table. It was some toast, a muffin, a croissant, and a few different random breakfast pastries. Next to it was a note.

Hello Soobin! Happy birthday! Sorry I'm not here physically, kinda busy, hope you enjoy the breakfast at least. ~Yeonjun
P.S: I didn't actually make all this, thank Jin.

Soobin laughed. He poured himself some milk and went at it.

Satisfied, Soobin was about to leave when the doorbell rang. When he answered it, he was met with...

"Oh, hi Beomgyu," Soobin said.

"Hi Soobin! Happy birthday!" Beomgyu said, "Come with me, I'm gonna take you somewhere."

In the car, Beomgyu asked, "Did you finish all that food. Yeonjun sure gave you a lot-"

"I finished everything."

"Awesome! Jin's gonna be happy about that. He would've flipped if you didn't."

"So Jin made all of that and Yeonjun gave it to me as his gift?"

"Well, technically, Jin made the muffin and a few of the pastries and sent it over last night, and Yeonjun warmed those up and got the rest from that bakery you really like."

The car stopped at the park.

"Come on!" Beomgyu said.

They spent the morning walking around, enjoying the beautiful scenery, taking photos, and fooling around.

"HEY!" Soobin yelled-laughed when Beomgyu photo-bombed his selfie. "You ruined the shot!"

"Sorry, not sorry."

"Why you little punk-"

Soobin started chasing Beomgyu around, the younger laughing mischievously as he ran away. After a few minutes, they collapsed in a fit of giggles.

At one point, Beomgyu got a call from someone and stepped aside. After a brief conversation that Soobin couldn't hear, Beomgyu said, "Well, the manager needs me, I have to go. But stay put, someone's coming."

Beomgyu left towards the exit. After a few minutes, a familiar person walked toward Soobin.

"Happy birthday!" Taehyun said.


The duo walked a short distance to Soobin's favorite cafe. After ordering, the two sat at a booth and waited for food.

"So, how's your birthday been so far?"

"Pretty sweet. I had a great breakfast and a nice walk, and now I'm at my favorite cafe."

The food came not long after. Soobin had a toasty steak sandwich, while Taehyun had some kimchi stew.

They ate in comfortable silence, chitchatting, occasionally about random topics. After finishing, Taehyun led the older went to a bookstore. After grabbing a good book, Soobin curled up in a chair and read for the rest of the afternoon, engrossed in the novel. He didn't even notice Taehyun leave.

"Hellooooo! Earth to Soobin!"

Soobin looked up from his book.

"Oh, hi Hueningkai."

"Happy birthday! Taehyun had to leave, so hi, you get to hang out with me now!"

Soobin was perplexed. That's now two of his fellow members that had mysteriously left. This seems to be planned

"You done with the book? I wanna take you somewhere."

Soobin shrugged and put his book back. "Sure then."

They left the bookstore and hopped into a taxi, with Hueningkai giving the driver a note of their destination rather than saying it out loud. Soobin asked, "Where are we going?"

"You'll see, it's a surprise."

The car stopped at the BigHit building. After paying and watching the taxi drive off, Hueningkai gave Soobin a blindfold.

"Put this on."


"It's part of the surprise."

Soobin reluctantly obeyed. Hueningkai slowly guided him inside and down several hallways and into an elevator. After about a minute of this, they stopped.

"Okay," Hueningkai finally said, "you can take off the blindfold in 3...2...1!" 

Soobin slipped the blindfold off.


The rest of TXT and the managers were all gathered in the dance studio, popping out streamers and confetti with poppers. There was a big banner across the ceiling that read "HAPPY B-DAY!"

"Wow," Soobin gasped in shock, "Thank you!"

After singing happy birthday, he was presented with quite the delicious-looking cake.

"Make a wish!" Yeonjun urged.

Soobin closed his eyes, then blew out the candles.

Cheering filled the room. "What'd you wish for?" Hueningkai asked.

"If I tell you, then it won't come true," Soobin said with a wink, "Now let's eat!"

I wish to be friends with my bandmates forever and go all the way on this journey of fame with them.

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