{M} What was Once Haven (yeonbin, txt)

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yeonjun x soobin

Mature warning! (blood, gore, death, implied suicide)


There's a forest behind my house. It's where my friend and I hang out a lot more than not. It's our haven, a place we can shake off our burdens, even if it's just for a little while. Besides, our normal lives suck, we need to get away.

You see, I have, well, bad parents. I mean, they don't hit me or anything, though they threaten to sometimes, but they like trash-talking me a lot. Swear words, insults, and a lot of "Why do you even exist in the first place, Yeonjun?!" Some days, when they're really ticked off, they forget to feed me. Or forget about my presence. That's where my friend comes in.

Soobin grew up in a rich family. They live in one of the richest neighborhoods. They're very strict, though. They want perfection from him with everything, and if there's just one thing that's slightly wrong, he gets slapped or hit in some way. His parents have his whole future planned for him without his consent. He wants to be an artist and writer; they want him to be a businessman and take over their company. He comes to the forest all the time to get away, and so do I.

It was another night. I crawled out my window and went into the forest. Soobin was already there.

"Hey," he said, "You doing okay?"

"Yeah, they didn't yell at me as much as they usually do. What about you?"

"Today was a surprisingly good day for me, too."

We did our walk through the forest, talking about random things. We came to the fork in the trail. We always go right, since that loops around back to the entrance, but today...

"Hey, do you want to go left?" I asked.

"Well, we've never been that way, I don't know..."

"C'mon, it'll be an adventure."

Soobin sighed, then followed me as I walked down the trail. It was less kept, but there were fewer small trees, just the big, old ones.

This trail was longer, and it was leading deeper into the forest. When we thought it wouldn't end, it came up to a house. It seemed relatively new, but seemed abandoned, as if recently, from the state of the grass.

"Wanna explore?" I asked.

"I would if it weren't almost two am."

Shoot. "We better get going then."

We jogged back to the entrance of the woods and left for our houses, knowing that we needed to get home fast. As I came up to the window, though, I saw that the lights in the house were on. Uh oh...

I snuck back into my room and pretended to be asleep. I thought I'd gotten away once again when a yell filled the house.

"Choi Yeonjun! Get your ass out here right NOW!"

Help me.

I walked out into the kitchen. There were my parents. My dad's veins were bulging and visible under his many tattoos. My mom clicked her tongue, her tongue piercing clanging.

"Young man! Where the fuck have you been?! Trying to get in trouble?"

"I was just taking a walk in th-"

My cheek suddenly stung. My dad had slapped me really hard. He hit me again, this time right in the face. This was a first, but why did it take so long for them to do it?

For a moment, I was frozen. Then, I burst into sobs.

"What is WRONG WITH YOU GUYS!? WHY am I not loved in this household?!" I screamed. I ran to my room and locked the door before they could stop me. I moved my desk and my nightstand to block the door. I grabbed my emergency duffel bag. I prepared it in a case like this. I grabbed my chargers, laptop, phone, and every valuable thing. My dad was trying to break the door down. I quickly ran out of my room through the window. I went to Soobin's house.

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