Arcade Bash (hueningkai, tomorrow x together)

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For Kai's birthday, the TXT boys decided to party at the local arcade.

As they entered, Yeonjun breathed in deeply, inhaling the sent of arcade carpet, pizza, and tickets. "Yes! Let's get some tokens and play! Ready for an awesome celebration, Kai?"

"Yes!" Kai yelled, running in like a little kid in a candy store. Together, they paid for tokens and adventured into the world of blinking screens and neon colors.

"OI!" Taehyun yelled as Yeonjun beat him in a random zombie shooter game. "Why am I so bad at this?"

Yeonjun laughed as he took his tickets. "You just gotta practice."

"Let me guess," Kai said, "Taehyun lost. Again."

"Yes," Yeonjun said before Taehyun could retort. The younger responded by hitting Yeonjun on the back, to which the older yelped.

"Go! Go! Go!" the boys cheered as Beomgyu and Kai competed in a game of Dance Dance Revolution.

"SHOOT!" Beomgyu yelled as he stumbled on his own feet, messing himself up for several beats.

Kai turned to laugh at the boy, but tripped on himself, falling off the structure. Yeonjun helped the boy up laughing.

"This is karma, I guess," Kai mumbled, rubbing his head.

Beomgyu ended up winning, of course.

"Hey, anyone wanna play this with me?" Kai pointed at the huge Crossy Roads game.

"I will!" Soobin said with a smile.

The boys inserted their tokens. Kai chose the duck while Soobin took the chicken. For a second, neither said a word, concentrated on the screen.

"Shi- shiz," Soobin mumbled as a subway train hit his character, giving him a measly 15.

"Ha, you lo- shit." Kai's temporary distraction made him fall into a river, giving him 22. He turned to Soobin, who was glaring at him.

"Bro, no swearing, you're too young for that."

"Well too bad, I still beat you," Kai replied as he grabbed his tickets.

Soobin sighed with a playful eye-roll. "But I managed to distract you. Do you find me distracting?" he asked, wiggling his eyebrows.

Kai smacked his shoulder. "Very. Very distracting."

"Hey y'all, idea," Taehyun said, "Let's combine tickets so that we can get more stuff!"

"Wow, you're actually smart for once," Yeonjun said, "Let's do it."

Together, the boys had a total of 3,023 tickets. The boys looked at the shelves, scouring for something to take home with them.

"Hey let's get that!" Kai said, pointing to this small, but really cool expandable ball. Yeonjun read that it was 500 tickets.

"I guess we can," Yeonjun said, nodding to the employee to get it.

They also bought a small spiky bouncy ball (200) and a deck of playing cards (350).

"They have stuffies?!" Taehyun said from the side. Kai rushed over and saw an adorable mini tiger stuffie.

"Let's get that! It's- oh," Kai pouted, "It's 2,000 tickets." The boy sighed, realizing that they didn't have enough tickets, as they were at 1973 tickets. "Too bad then." His eyes averted to other things, but Taehyun could tell that the boy was sad. So he left for a moment, whispering something to the others so that Kai couldn't hear.

"Wait a sec, lemme do it," Beomgyu said, putting down the receipt with their tickets and running off into the arcade, stopping Taehyung from doing it.

"Beomgyu wha- ugh, fine, we'll just wait," Kai sighed, "Sorry, sir," he added apologetically, ignoring the employee's glare.

"I'm back," Beomgyu said ten minutes later, arms full of tickets.

"He really did it," Taehyun muttered.

"Wha- what's with the tickets?!" Kai sputtered, "Did you really-"

"Play more games to get enough tickets to get that stuffie, yes," Beomgyu said, allowing the Ticket Eater to take his tickets. "It is your birthday. This is my present for you. Besides, Doodle Jump isn't that hard."

As the machine printed the receipt with 104 tickets, Beomgyu took their original receipt and went to the prize corner, a shocked Kai following behind. "May we combine our tickets, please?"

The employee looked at Beomgyu, then at Kai, then at the boys behind them, and back again. "Sure." The man scanned the receipts, giving them a total of 2,077 tickets. "What would you guys like?"

"The stuffed tiger, please," Soobin said from behind, pointing at the object.

The employee got it out/ "You have 77 tickets left."

They decided to just save the last of the tickets and sat down at the small eatery attached to the arcade. As they ate pizza, Kai said, "Thanks for the tiger, Beomgyu."

"No problem."

"It was Taehyun's idea, though," Soobin said.

"C'mon!" Beomgyu retorted.

"You can't take all my credit," Taehyun said.

"Thank you guys!" Kai said, stuffing more pizza into his mouth.

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