Bread (txt)

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Hueningkai woke up in a rather gracious mood today, so he decided to make his band leader, Soobin, some toast. As he made his way down to the kitchen, he saw that Yeonjun and Taehyun were also awake.

"Hey guys, can you help me make Soobin breakfast?" he asked.

"What's the occasion?" Taehyun asked.

"Nothing, I just wanna make some breakfast for him."

"Okay then, I'll cut some fruit," Yeonjun said.

"I'll make a smoothie," Taehyun said.

"And I'll make the star of the dish: toast!" Hueningkai said.

"Make sure you do it perfectly, or else Soobin may actually strangle you," Beomgyu said from the hall, "You know how much he likes bread."

"I know that. By the way, is he still asleep?"

"Yep, but I'll stay up here to distract him, just in case." Beomgyu ran off to Soobin's room.

As everyone did their tasks, Hueningkai went to the pantry.

"Sweet, there're only three pieces left. That's lucky."

As he popped the slices into the 4-slot toaster, he got on his phone as he waited. He didn't notice, though, that the time on the toaster was set to 5, not 1.

"Um, you smell something burning?" Yeonjun asked.

"Uh, yeah. Kai, the-"

"Oh shoot, the toast!" Huneingkai quickly stopped the toaster, but it was already burnt beyond repair.

"It's not," Yeonjun hesitated, looking at the state of the bread, "that bad, I think. At least it's not charcoal black."

"But it smells really burnt," Taehyun said, backing away for fresh air.

Hueningkai scraped off as much of the crispier parts as he could, then slathered it with butter and jam. Maybe that will cover up the taste.

The trio then proceeded to fan the burning smell out the windows. They sprayed some air freshener into the kitchen until the burnt smell was basically gone.

"Let's just hope Soobin doesn't notice..."

"Hey, Soobin's coming in five min- why does it smell overly like flowers?" Beomgyu walked into the kitchen. "And do I smell a hint of burnt bread? You burned the toast didn't you Kai." It wasn't a question.

"Don't say anything," Kai said.

Suddenly, they heard footsteps.

"Hi Soobin, we made you breakfast," Hueningkai said, motioning to the table. There were three slices of toast, some fruit, and a smoothie.

"Oh, thanks guys!" Soobin said. He sat down and took a piece of toast. After chewing for a bit, though, he stopped.

"You burned the toast, didn't you," Soobin said.

Everyone stayed silent.

"Oh, it's okay." Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Soobin finished his breakfast graciously, eating every little bit.

"Thanks for the food, it was pretty good. Except for the dumbass who burned to bread."

"Who was it, if I may ask?"

Everyone was silent.

"Since no one's brave enough to say anything, maybe I'll just-"

"It was Kai," Taehyun said.

"You little-"

"Well then..."

Soobin proceeded to chase Hueningkai around the house.

"Soobin, please don't kill me!"

"I won't I just wanna talk..."

Kai even opened the front door and ran outside. Soobin went after him.

"Should we help him?" Beomgyu asked.

"Nope. Yeonjun, get the popcorn."

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