Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

I could only manage a shrug on my shoulders and sigh as I look boringly at the couple feeding one another right in front of me.

'Well, good luck being in love.'

I snicker as I whisper softly under my breath before looking away from the lovey-dovey scene, just in time to catch my client pushing through the cafe door. I stood up right away, a smile naturally plastered across my lips as I wave politely to indicate.

"Ahh, Miss Hanna. Thanks for bringing me the order personally, I'm sorry for such short notice!"

My smile remains as he sat down across me, his hand gesture indicating me to sit back down.

'Don't worry about that, I'm glad to be able to be at your service!'

I shook my head as I wave my hands politely before I reassure him. Of course, it didn't matter to me, it only meant more earning for me, which I'm sure he is pretty aware of.

"Ahh... I'm glad you think so...speaking of which, it is dinner time, should we go for dinner together?"

I sense a tinge of nervousness as he clears his throat before his invitation to the dinner. What..?

'Ah..yes it is.. I'm sorry, I have to rush back to cook for my son..'

I look at my watch and then back at him, trying my best to make it as natural as I could as if I didn't notice his shocked expression and his awkward cough that follow after. Of course, my customers didn't need to know that I was a divorcee with a young son, just the idea of me with a son is enough to put any man off, and that works perfectly fine for me. Just the idea of keeping any guys away from me is a great deal for me.

"..I didn't know you are married with a son..well then.."

I smiled as I nodded slightly to confirm his words, and before long I was already waving goodbye as he bid goodbye.

'Ahhh...another customer lost...'

I whisper as I look at my list of customers in my file. Every single time the male customers start showing interest and found out about my son, it is almost as if they are naturally being cross out my list of customers, they hardly ever get back to me anymore.

Of course, it made it worse than I did, in fact, need as many customers as I can to have a better lifestyle with my son, and to be able to provide a better education for him. But losing customers is nothing compared to needing to find all sorts of excuses to reject their advances. I never can believe in love anymore anyway, not after what I've been through.

*focus on finding female customers!!!*

I scribble at the top of the notes before I slam the folder shut and let out a big sigh. The night is already late and I really need to rush towards the nanny's to pick my son up. If there is anything I detest the most it would be to neglect my son due to my career.


The weather out is cold this time of year, even with four layers on me it hadn't stopped the sneeze that came through right at the moment the wind blew against me as I step out of the cafe. Braving the cold windy night, I rush through the after-work crowd and into the train station. I hope there still will be a seat left for me, it didn't help that I could only afford an apartment far from the city. It took me almost an hour and a half by train every night to reach the arms of my little boy.

I stayed alone with my baby son since the night of the huge realization. The night that was as windy and cold as this one, if not more. I remembered him crying as I scoop him up in my arms and slammed the door shut behind us, with a measly bag that contains everything I could fit at those last moments. It didn't matter back then, I just have to get out of that place, away from that man. We never went back after that, and I tried my best to be the best of both parents for my son. I guess it wouldn't be the same though, but we both just would have to make do.

I look around as I got into the cabin and mutter a curse under my breath, I guess I will just have to make do with standing for now.

I lean against the partition as the train starts moving, noticing how on my left a couple is bickering over which of them was the one who forgot to bring the girl's phone along. It's funny how I notice couples like a magnet drawn to one another, I often told myself it was because I pitied them, for the one day they would find out their love was worth nothing and would be left alone with a broken heart. That night since we left home, I decided to leave whatever hope for relationships in there as well. If my ex-husband could turn out to be such a monster, all men will be the same.

We started out beautifully, not perfect, but beautiful. I wouldn't trade him for anything in the world. He was smart, loving, caring, handsome and he loved me. I loved him too, very, very much. We had our fair share of quarrels but we withstand them pretty well and so it made perfect sense to say yes when he proposed two years later.

It went downhill shortly after. Perhaps it started when he came back late at night after a year into our marriage, he said he needed to work harder now that we are planning to start a family. Or perhaps it was when faint stretch marks start appearing on my thighs. Or perhaps when my tummy got too big carrying our baby in it and I was constantly complaining about how uncomfortable it was for me. Even perhaps when I was carrying our baby with my hair in a messy bun and not made up. I couldn't pinpoint a time, but the time came and he cheated.

I didn't find out until a year after I gave birth, our handsome baby boy turned one and he never came home for the celebration. A lady picks up his call that night and stated quite clearly that he was in the shower and that she had him in her bed for the whole of last year. I guess she was tired of hiding, I guess he got stupid and trusted her. I guess I was too focused on my idea of a happy family that I never quite live in the moment and realized we weren't happy.

Whatever reasons he had, I never gave him the chance to explain. That night, while he made love with her in her bed, I left ours.

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