Chapter 36

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The days passed by slowly with what he said still hanging at the back of my thoughts.

I sigh as I pull the stroller along making my way back to my office to pass the new orders files to the office boy before I head home.

Investing in recruiting the office boy have been more productive for me to focus on getting more sales for the company, and hopefully by the end of this year I will manage to purchase a car.

Still I wondered what does Chanyeol does for a living that need another day to discuss about? Obviously it's not just a normal occupation he can slip into a conversation, and I wonder if it's information that I will manage to digest.

What could be so bad for his expression to turn so dark?


I bow deeper downwards when I realized I've knocked into someone.

"Watch it"

I heard the elderly woman snap before making her way ahead.

Still, three days have gone by, with another one before Saturday comes and he'd said that he will tell me when it comes. It obviously didn't help that he says he will be away till then.

Even if he've said he is serious about us, I can't help but feel uneasy with his disappearance now and then. It's not new, he've done it previously as well.


The call of my name woke me from my thoughts and I manage to stop just in time before I knock into someone again.

'I thought you are away?'

Startled at his sudden appearance, I pause and look at him, still handsome as before.

No bruise, no blood, no scratch.

I sigh in relief. I guess I must have let my imagination go wild with his words left hanging. At least whatever he is doing doesn't involve fighting? That should be a good sign, well it must be.

"Manage to finish early. I rush here right away."

His smile made me smile along. Yet I know he is dreading that talk, to explain what he does, and as curious as I am, a part of me didn't want to find out as well.

'Whatever you do, it doesn't allow you to message or call, does it?'

Holding onto his arm, I manage a grin as I pull along the stroller in my other hand as I drag him along into my office.

"To be safe, I guess not."

I heard him answer as we went inside, I place the stroller away before getting the stack of new orders tidied up.

'Well, that kinda sucks for me.'

I look up from the pile of documents, smiling back at him before going back to organizing them.

'Whatever you do, it's dangerous?'

I ask again, trying not to sound too bothered about it.


I heard him after a long pause. My hands pause along with his answer and my gaze return to his.

'Whatever you do, it's best for both of us if I know nothing of it?'

I ask again, this time my gaze never leaving his.


He answered with a nod. I manage a smile as I nodded back.

'Then don't tell me about it.'

Walking over to him, I hold his hands tightly in mine, carefully I put them on my chest.

'Just... be safe.'

Leaning my head on his chest, I listen to his heartbeat.

I've tried marriage. The commitments, promises, sense of security. None of which turn out genuine. I don't need those again, as long as we are being true to our feelings.

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