Chapter 18

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When I notice my stoller weren't with me, I realized I must have left it when I came out of the cafe. As pathetic as I feel right now, the truth is that I have to continue delivering the orders. I came back and Chanyeol car was no longer there, meaning I didn't have to worry if I bump into him.
'Have you seen a stroller luggage here? I left it right here earlier!'

I panicked when the stroller isn't there anymore. I had pull over a waitress, asking her for answers but she just look at me confused and insisted she haven't notice anything there.

So I found out I was made a fool, and perhaps is really a fool for losing even my stroller, with half the orders inside. I frown and force myself to take a deep breath to keep calm. I made myself go through the day, going all the way back to the office to repack a new set of products for the orders that had went missing, then delivering all of them. Before I know it, it was already night time.

I took a glance at my watch, eight o'clock. Leaning back on the seat in the train I shut my eyes close and try not to think of anything that I discovered today. So all he need now is to make me sleep with him, he should already won by now, I've been more than willing to do just that if he didn't ran away everytime that almost happen. I wonder why, am I so disgusting he couldn't do it even if he could win a yacht out of it?

I force myself up when my station was called and pull myself all the way out and into the streets. Its not such a big deal really, like they said, I'm a divorcee with a kid, I haven't had anything to lose. So he played with my feelings, but my feelings probably don't worth much at the first place. Ethan on the other hand, had trusted him and loved him with all his heart. How could he make use of a toddler to get what he wants? So he's going to leave when the bet ends just like that? I feel my grip harden as I thought about it, and my lips form a tight firm line with it.


I look ahead where the voice came from. Chanyeol. I took a deep breath as I walk towards him, what am I planning to do? I haven't thought of anything..

"Where have you been? Are you okay?"

I made out his handsome features as our distance close up. So this is the face that could make just anyone falling for him..

'I'm okay.'

My voice came out so calm I am surprised myself. Now that I got closer, I realize my stroller was behind him. I look back up and our gaze met, I notice how his had guilt written all over it. So he knows I know.

'Thanks for getting my stroller back, then..goodnight.'

I smile as I pull the stroller from him, hang in there Hanna. Don't show him your tears, don't show him you are weak for him. He isn't worth it.


Yet my hands automatically push his away when he grip onto my wrist. I bit my lips knowing he can't see my face, get a grip of yourself! I reminded myself as I readjust myself and turn back to look at him.

'Why? didn't I told you I don't believe in love? So don't worry about me finding out about your bet. Just end this cooly then, you don't have to force yourself to be with me or Ethan anymore. You're free.'

I force a smile as I look back at him firmly. My heart stings a little as I said it aloud, I'm hurt again..didn't I promise myself never to trust men again?

"Hanna.. it's not like that.. I really...I really am happy to be with you.."

His voice seems to shake as he grip onto my wrist once again. I didn't let go this time, I just look at him as he wrap his arms around me and pull me into a tight hug. Yet it will never be the same again, not with him, not with anyone else. He just made me believe that I should have believe in myself from the start, that I should never ever allow a man into our lives and mess everything up. I chuckle softly at the irony of all these, how I've allow myself to trust and fall for him.

'Do you want to sleep with me?'

I mutter aloud, my head still resting in his embrace.


His voice obviously confused with where I'm heading to.

'Is that why you're still lying to me? You need to sleep with me to win the yacht don't you? Do you need photos? I guess..then let's do that'

I mutter aloud as I breath in his scent, still the confident, charming scent I've gotten used to.

"Hanna, I'm sorry..please listen to me..I can explain."

I hear his whispers as his chin rested on my head like usual. I smile at the thought of it, so these are just lies as well. I know now.

'You can't sleep with me can you? You could've won the bet easily, we were always so close to it..why? Is it because you're disgusted with me?'

I ask again, as a tear stubbornly fall onto my cheek. I took a deep breath in. No, don't , not in front of him. I swallowed back as I try to control my emotions.

"No! Why would you think that?It's because I love you. I don't want to win the bet. I just want to be with you."

I chuckle at his words. Did he expect me to believe them? I push myself away from him, taking a good look at his expression.

'You must have done this so many make it so believable..'

I mumble aloud. Didn't they say he can get whichever girl he wants? He must be really good at this.

"I admit, it started as a bet..but you're different, I didnt expected that...I fell for you, and all I want now is to be with you...can't you just believe me?"

What did he expected from me? Believe him after all these? I believed in him before, and look where it got me to.

Then again, I don't understand what is wrong with him now. Didn't I say I'll let him win the bet? Why can't he just let it go then? Maybe he really likes you. I tried to shut that part of my mind of, its time to depend on realistic, practical solutions. The ones I had before he appear in my life.

'Leave me alone. I'm done with you.'

I mutter under my breath as I gave him a glare before leaving him.

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