Chapter 31

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'So.. how are you?'

I ask awkwardly now that we are sitting across each other for breakfast.

He made pancakes with whatever he manage to find in the fridge, and although it's not the first breakfast we ever have together, it was the first one after all that had happen and it's much more awkward realizing we already had numerous hot steaming sex since last night till this morning before we really get to talk about what is going on.

"..Good, I guess. How about you?"

Well then, I guess it wasn't just me feeling awkward.

I eye him carefully, taking in his still messy hair, his sexy lips and oh gosh.. those abs I've just got to familiarize last night. Who would have guess it took so long for me to realize exactly how well built he was. I snap back to reality as he clear his throat, obviously trying to wake me up from my unnecessary imagination.

'Umm.. yea, I'm good too'

I mumbled as my eyes went back to the plain looking pancake and the whole lot of honey I've accidentally drizzled on when I was trying to think of a topic to talk about earlier.

Now it's just too sweet to be eaten. But I stuff another mouthful in anyway, just to avoid any awkwardness to fall in between again.

"So..where's Ethan?"

He ask as I watch him swallowed in a mouthful of not really well chewed pancakes, what's with this situation now? I didn't expect us to be this awkward in a conversation.

'Uhm, oh, he's with his father for the weekend.'

Not that you didn't know that already. I thought to myself as I recalled catching him hiding behind a thick pole when we went to my ex husband house the other day.

But I manage a smile as our gaze met before pushing another mouthful of the pancake into my already full mouth. I almost wanted to gag at how full AND sweet it was, but manage to push it down with a gulp of plain water.

" that's arranged now? ...well, i can't wait to meet him again."

I heard him say as I tried to gulp in another mouthful of water, desperately trying to make the sweetness in my tooth to go away.


I mumbled as I almost choke, probably due to too much awkwardness rather than the actual amount of honey stuck in my throat.

Desperate, I hit my chest hard before I let out a cough.

He let out a chuckle that seemingly seems to ease down the awkward situation before coming across to lightly clapping his hand on my back.

"Why are we so awkward?"

He finally let out as I bit my lips. His hands came on my shoulders and massage them gently after my cough finally subside.

"Are you still mad at me?"

I heard him ask again and I shook my head immediately. I heard another chuckle as he lower himself and wrap his arms around me, before planting a kiss on my cheek.

"So.. should we talk about it? Or are we gonna skip that altogether and just have hot sex everytime we meet? Just so you know, I don't mind either."

I slap his hands away immediately in shock before breaking out laughing. I guess only he could pull such a thing off.

'I'm just...not sure where to start.'

He pull me up and guided me to the couch, then pulling me down to sit beside him with his arm around me.

"I missed you, did you miss me?"

He whispered as he hold me tight, and I nodded my head.

"I'm really, truly, sorry about how we started. I am an asshole. I know I could never make that up to you again. But would you give me one chance to make it up to you? I'll do anything.. just anything.. as long as I have you beside me."

My grip tighten around his waist, burying my head deeper into his embrace. Didn't he know already, that I'm ready to give him anything is needed to give us another try.

'...this is real isn't it? No more bets? No more lies?'

I guess I needed to hear him say it aloud to confirm it.

"I love you Hanna. I promise."

His hands came around to tilt my chin upwards and his lips gently press down on mine.

Pushing him away lightly, I feel my cheeks heat up as my hands rest on his chest.

'There's something else..'

I blurt out, knowing I'll never be able to keep it a secret for long. His brows narrowed as he look at me confusingly.

'...I know you were following me around for the past three months..'

I mumbled, looking down as my hands hold onto his.


I watch as his eyes widen and he pause in place looking at me in disbelief.

'I didn't do anything because I needed to know if you are serious..'

Biting my lips, my heart skip a beat. His reaction seems logical enough I suppose. Afterall I let him hide like a fool for three months when I already know about it.

"So you knew about it all along?"

I nodded my head slightly, reaching out to his arms I grip onto it tighter.

"That night at your office, when it was raining, wearing a dark blue cardigan and that tight black dress.."

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