Chapter 24

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"There, she's fine. Now leave us alone."

I bit my lips, mostly in fury as Chanyeols confident voice continue on. How did he know for sure that I wanted to be left alone with him? It just gets on my nerve whenever he does that nowadays, and I'm not kidding when I say he does that too many times.


I blink my eyes couple of times, pulling myself back to reality as Dyo gently shook my arms. Apparently he is waiting for my response.

'Thanks Dyo, I'll be leaving anyway... thanks for coming out and making sure"

Gesturing him to go on ahead back to the cafe, I force a smile as naturally as I could before leaving the scene myself. If Chanyeol wants to create a scene, he can do that by himself, I'm not about to participate in anything he does.

'Hanna, wait..listen, I just..'

Letting out a deep sigh, I forcefully push away his grip on my arms once again.

"Fine, what is it do you have to say?"

Crossing my arms, I frown as he stutter and nervously clap his hands together.

'I just.. I admit it started out as a bet...then I started being curious about you, then I got attracted to you..and I fell in love with you....I am afraid of losing you Hanna, I've never been in love before you, I.. don't really know how a relationship works. I just thought.. to wait for someone else to win the bet, then I can continue loving you and Ethan.. '

He pause as he look at my expression. My lips form a firm line as I let out a deep breath. Not quite sure what he is expecting to gain from me, I force a smile back up me face.

"I got it, now I'm going to go back to work, to my life, before you appeared because of that bet. If you could just disappear from my life, that would be really helpful."

Nodding my head, I gesture for him to just stay right where he is before turning away and make my way out of the station.

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